Anthony Judge: UN Climate Change Conference Just Like the Titanic — The Best, The Brightest, Right Into the Iceberg

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

The “Saving of Humanity” framed by “Sinking of the Titanic”

Rising sea of discontent engendered by warming climate of opinion

Exploring the parallels
Neglected signals of systemic negligence

The agreement reached at the UN Climate Change Conference (Paris, 2015) constituted the epitome of authoritarian excellence and expertise — like the RMS Titanic in 1912. It was witness to gatherings of the best, the brightest and the most wealthy — as with the first class passengers on the Titanic. It was also witness to a high degree of exclusivism — as with the lower classes in steerage on the Titanic — despite claims of a particpatory process (Akshat Rathi, This simple negotiation tactic brought 195 countries to consensus, Quartz, 12 December 2015).

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