Kudos to The Jerusalem Post for getting to the bottom of San Bernadino. An intemperate Messianic Jew picked the fight with inflamatory rhetoric and direct personal attacks in cyber space (social media).
Slain Messianic Jew had argued Islam, Israel with San Bernardino shooter
Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge but watching the media we note with interest that no politician and no media personality has had the character — the integrity — to mention the catalytic role of the intemperate Messianic Jew. This could be nothing more than a dog fight between two pissed off zealots. The idea that the Muslim could gain access to illegal automatic weapons in the US is suspect and needs investigation. The political opportunism is despicable. From a strategic point of view, there are three domestic threats to the USA: Zionists, neoconservatives, and financial criminals. The FBI needs to be allowed to do its job and go after elite traitors. San Bernadino is a traffic accident, nothing more.