Joachim Hagopian: The overthrow of America – by its enemies within

Cultural Intelligence

Joachim HagopianThe overthrow of America – by its enemies within

This article will demonstrate how a subhuman class of murderous psychopaths epitomized in the modern day era by the likes of the Bush-Clinton-Obama-CIA crime cabal family have treasonously overthrown America's democratic republic and replaced it with today's technocratic fascist totalitarian police state oligarchy. But the story could just as easily begin the same year America's Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. Another historically significant figure in Bavaria in southern Germany barely two months earlier was busy founding the secret Order of the Illuminati. The son of a rabbi but trained in Jesuit tradition he later came to despise, German philosopher Adam Wieshaupt dabbled in Freemasonry and the Cabbala before developing his own secret society. With fellow Jewish Rothschild money, they plotted an ambitious, highly subversive plan for their anti-Catholic secret society of elitists to implement global governance.

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