The first book of its kind, the UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015 presents data and analysis for 100,000+ sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by individuals during the first 15 years of the 21st century. Since 1969 the government has claimed no interest in the subject, and the press and media either ignore or ridicule any mention of UFOs. Yet citizen scientists and non-governmental organizations have continued to this day the research into this important subject: this book seeks to make the hardest data available accessible to the general public, as well as other UFO researchers. The book is organized into beginning narrative sections including analysis of UFO sightings, frequently asked questions, and how to use this book, followed by the data. Charts, tables, and maps are presented of summary data for the entire US and individual chapters for all 50 states (down to the county level) plus the District of Columbia. Aimed at the serious UFO researcher, this comprehensive volume is also of value to academic and public libraries, news organizations, and anyone who is interested in what is flying in the skies over their heads where they live. As seen in the New York Times: “People Are Seeing U.F.O.s Everywhere, and This Book Proves It“By RALPH BLUMENTHAL — APRIL 24, 2017
See Also: UFO @ Phi Beta Iota, Extra-terrestial @ Phi Beta Iota