Mongoose: German lieutenant who posed as refugee in ‘false flag’ terror plot could be part of neo-Nazi army network UPDATE 1

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Military, Peace Intelligence

German lieutenant who posed as refugee in ‘false flag' terror plot could be part of neo-Nazi army network

A cell of suspected right-wing extremists operating within the German army are being investigated as the probe into an alleged terror plot widens.

Prosecutors are investigating a group of up to five people surrounding a soldier accused of posing as a Syrian refugee to carry out a “false flag” attack.

If the plan had succeeded, his fingerprints would have registered on the refugee records system and led investigators to his false identity as a Syrian asylum seeker, turning fresh scrutiny on migrants in Germany.


Second German soldier arrested over ‘false flag' plot to assassinate left-wing politicians in terror attack

See Also:

False Flag @ Phi Beta Iota

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