Billionaire hires impeachment ‘army' to ‘remove Trump from power'
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, a friend and donor to Obama and Clinton, is hiring an army of more than 50 political operatives in a major campaign to help Democrats get control of the U.S. House this year and “remove Trump from power.”
“Need to Impeach” Founder Steyer, 60, announced Thursday that he is hiring a team of 50 political and communications strategists to coordinate his campaign. While Steyer launched his $20 million campaign to impeach Trump last year, he has now promised to double that amount and also spend $30 million on 2018 House races through his super PAC, NextGen America.
Phi Beta Iota: Steyer may be getting senile. The evidence is simply not there to support impeachment, but the Deep State — no difference between the red and blue wings of the one-bird tyranny that enables the Deep State — certainly does want to see Donald Trump impeached. Steyer is an “agent” of the Deep State and perhaps even a side boy to George Schwartz Soros (RIP). There are countervailing forces emerging, including a new veteran's based organization that wants to take Congress from its present rate of 18% prior military service back toward the more traditional 50% or more; a United Counties of America movement seeking to restore grass roots self-governance and commercial power; and a new Independents-small parties coalition considering how to arrive at ONE challenger per Congressional District, with the 435 Districts allocated so as to assure the election of many candidates from each of the participanting elements.
‘This is Nuts’: Liberals Launch ‘Largest Mobilization in History’ in Defense of Russiagate Probe
Avaaz claims that hundreds of thousands of supporters have signed up for actions protesting Mueller’s possible removal, and that more than 25 national organizations support the protests. The group calls it potentially “the largest national mobilization in history.”
Considering all of the threats to democracy posed by unconstitutional overreach, unfair elections, corruption, and voter suppression – not to mention environmental challenges, economic inequality, an out-of-control U.S. foreign policy, numerous foreign conflicts that the U.S. is engaged in, and the ever-present threat of nuclear war – it is telling that the liberal establishment is mobilizing on this particular issue.
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