Symbolizing Collective Remembering Otherwise
Encompassing the “headless hearts” and “heartless heads” through their dynamic entanglement
Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold
Ring, loop and Ouroboros
Contemporary tragedy of the “broken ring”
Heart symbol as articulation of ring symbol
Possibilities of interrelating ring and heart curve
Aesthetic dimensions of the heart?
Fragmented psychosocial systemic dynamics in quest of an elusive integrative pattern
Interpretation of the heart pattern via the coaction cardioid
Relating the heart pattern to the magic square and the BaGua mirror
Implied dynamics of the heart symbol — the “cardiac cycle” otherwise interpreted
Systemic understanding of “Cupid's arrows” as binary cyclic triggers?
Heart symbol as a standing wave pattern of feedback loops
Cognitive engagement with complexity through articulation of the heart pattern in playing cards
Implications of a 3D heart symbol
Remembering as rediscovering or reinventing the wheel