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Katz and Avanatti should lose their law licenses. The witnesses who lied with malice should serve jail time.
Senate report paints devastating profile of Justice Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick
The false witnesses against Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh have been referred for prosecution. Discovery will probably show several Democratic Senators as co-conspirators and equally liable for perjury & defamation.
Woman admits she never met the Judge, referred for prosecution
Letter of referral for prosecution
Original Post and All Updates with Links Below.

Although Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator, they weave a wonderous narrative and their links and graphics are always very high quality and tend to be confirmable. This counter-accusation against alleged CIA contractor Dr. Christine Blasey should be taken seriously.
Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh
…she currently oversees the CIA Undergraduate Internship Program Stanford University developed by the notorious CIA-connected Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—who himself, in 1985, took into his care the homeless woman Lois Lang who assassinated CIA paymaster Nick Deak—and that afterwards saw the CIA’s black operations monies being controlled by Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—who, not so mysteriously, just happens to be the father of Dr. Christine Blasey.
Read full post with graphics and more links.

ROBERT STEELE: I'm going to put my name on this comment because I am sick and tired of rogue elements of the CIA and the FBI and NSA playing politics….I also feel very strongly that we need to get out of covert operations including regime change, assassination, mind-control, and blackmail. I would remind everyone that we went to war in Kuwait based in part of the daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to DC being trained by Hill & Knowlton to lie to Congress (Congress was surely complicit, there must have been more than one Member who had met the daughter at a social function).We went to war in Iraq the second time based on 935 lies. I assess this woman's accusation as lies based on both the passage of time (there is a good reason there are statutes of limitations) and her association with the CIA (and Stanford, like Yale, a fully vested left wing liberal arm of the CIA). While it is alleged that she told these stories years ago to her husband and therapist, Justice Kavanaugh has always been a rising star and known right of center judge target, and it is very likely that he did not fall prey to the standard pedophilia blackmail and outright bribery approaches normally used by the Deep State to control judges and prosecutors across the USA, hence the Deep State element of CIA “salted” stories about Kavanaugh as an advance poison pill to be used in extremis. If I were on the Committee — or in a jury — I would dismiss this woman's accusations out of hand. Kavanaugh has every right to sue her for defamation and use the legal discovery process to take a deep dive into every single cell call and every single email and every single CIA-related contact she has had in the last decade. There is absolutely no question in my mind, as a former clandestine operations officer, that this woman is “dirty” in every possible sense of the word, and she — and her handlers — should fry. I hope the President will announce some of the high-level Democratic pedophilia arrests soon — I dare to hope that both the Clintons, both the Obamas, and Joe Biden will be the first to be charged as elite pedophiles, presuming grand jury indictments based on assembled evidence. This last minute endeavor to derail the nomination will not end well for the Democrats — or the CIA or the FBI.
The male classmate she named as a witness has categorically stated in writing that he does not remember any such incident and such behavior is totally inconsistent with the Kavanaugh he knew.
Kavanaugh classmate named in Ford allegation denies incident, won't testify to Senate
The FBI is absolutely correct to refuse to “investigate” a probably false allegation that is 35 years old (far beyond any statute of limitations) in which the accuser cannot even remember date and place, something that would be etched in her memory if she really did fear for her life. The reluctance of the witness to testify under oath is now quite helpful — we believe that she is reluctant to lie under oath (we assess her as an agent of convenience, not a mind-control asset) and is not buying the offer of a national security warrant that “legalizes” her lies. The IC knows that we are making the matter of legalized lying (e.g. in Sandy Hook) a presidential attention item. Bottom line is that this woman is most likely to withdraw completely, Kavanaugh will get confirmed, and we will deal with the scum that sent her out later. If she does show up, detailed questioning about her second-generation CIA life should more than enough to give Judge Kavanaugh “reasonable doubt.” If it were me, I would be demanding every email and phone call she's made or received since the Judge was nominated. NOTE: our earlier criticism of Senator Feinstein has been displaced by our view the Debra Katz is the one who leaked the letter and misled her client.
A Robert Steele Letter of Transmittal & Questions
Future of Freedom Foundation: Steve Chapman on the Rogue CIA
Below cartoon posted with permission, visit the artist directly at https://grrrgraphics.com/

We are now seeing a pattern that will become a defacto standard when faced with someone we wish to persecute. We have Judge Kavanaugh being targeted by a decades old, unsubstantiated claim, today followed by Cody Wilson, the Austin man behind a 3D printed gun company, who is accused of sexual assault involving a girl under the age of 17, according to police.
So if we wish to silence and convict in the court of public opinion, allege a sex crime and poof, you are a dead man walking….

ROBERT STEELE: I tend to agree with this but would also observe, as Chief Counsel of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, that I believe President Donald Trump is about to decimate the elite pedophiles in the USA — 10% a year for each of the next six years. The liberals have destroyed maculinity and femininity and substituted an “anything goes” mantra that condones pedophilia and bestiality, among other perversions. In combination — the 1% Satanic elite and the 17% liberal retards dancing to the Deep State's tune — they have nearly wrecked our economy, our government, and our society. This is not an easy fix. The untold story of the first two years of the Trump Administration is how much has been done behind the scenes to set the stage for the total destruction of the Satanic pedophlile cabal. The Deep State and the Zionists control the Mainstream Media (including Faux News, which disgusts me more and more each passing day) and the social media. We need a truth channel — a whole new Internet that has not been compromised by the Deep State, that provides each individual with the absolute rights of — after Free Speech — Anonymity, Identity, Privacy, and Security. The 2nd American Revolution is ON.
Ben Garrison: Burning of Free Speech [PBI: Dancing Deep State Zionist Agents Promoting Fake News]
With respect to Cody Wilson and the 3D company, it appears he violated the law but I would make two observations:
- This would never have been discovered and acted on if he were not leading the 3D gun movement. In both Texas and Virginia girls are offering themselves for sex as early as 12 — this was a targetted investigation.
- The public needs to know that the US Government is skilled at faking all manner of records including video recordings of people saying things they never said, doing things they never did. Holograms as well as pixel manipulation are “out of this world” sophisticated. Combined with the now official “legalized lying” under a national security warrant, we have a sucking chest wound problem with our justice system — there is no justice for many.
3D Gun Printing Company Founder Accused Of Sexual Assault Of A Minor
Judge Andrew Napolitano on Fox & Friends has opined that no judge would ever allow these unsubstantiated allegations to go forward. He also observed that if this woman does not show up on Monday, Judge Kavenaugh need do nothing further.
Separately the Democrats have violated separation of branches by ordering (an unenforcable order) officials ordered to redact FISA materials to HOLD and consult with them first. Our general impression is that the Democrats are imploding and losing all hope of taking either the Senate or the House in November. These people are unethical, immature, corrupt, impetuous, and clearly acting in a manner that is neither measured nor in the public interest.
Meanwhile, Crap News Network and the lawyer representing the apparent second-generation CIA accuser are pretending to be outraged about the deadline when in fact the allegations were withheld for six months. There is no meat here — this is a “hit job” that relies on Fake News media and a complicit cadre of corrupt Senators to undermine due process at the last minute.
We don't make this stuff up. Sent to us by an Alert Reader with a sense of humor as well as a first class nose for hypocrisy and bullshit.
Justice Ginsburg: Abraham Lincoln Grabbed My Ass in 1862 — I Want All His Statues Torn Down …
Tip of the Hat to Alert Reader and InfoWars — While Crap News Network and Faux News blather about irrelevant legalities (35 five years ago, no memory of date and place, pissing in the punch bowl at the last minute), InfoWars has the yearbooks scrubbed from the Internet TODAY but preserved by Cult of the First Amendment blog. It is particularly relevant that the accuser was an active member of a debauched culture in which the older girls were sexual predators seeking out younger men. Use links above to get to redacted versions, unredacted versions are said to be a day or so away.

ROBERT STEELE: It merits comment that all of these girls, however wealthy their parents might have been, were then (and today their successors remain) prime candidates for high-end prostitution of both the garden pimp variety and the Nazi/CIA/NASA variety that feeds Deep State elite pedophilia networks. In my humble opinion, this woman is BURNED.
See Especially:
American Sex Trade–Girls Next Door in Connecticut
Review: Trance: Formation of America
See Also:
Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & the Deep State
Debra Katz who is both a fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton and the lead lawyer representing the accuser Dr. Christine Blasey, is now suspect as the source of the last minute attempt to derail the nomination perhaps by arrangement between Clinton and Feinstein. It is very likely that Katz did not realize the damning high school yearbooks would be publicized today, given added notoriety by the fact that they were DELETED today by the school but preserved by others. We understand that Senator Chuck Grassley has seen the yearbooks and will be sending all members of the Committee a “Dear Colleague” letter. In our view, both the accuser and her lead lawyer are toast. Poor Lisa Banks, she has been shlonged by the Clinton girls gone wild network. Time to find a new law firm.
In further news, all three of the so-called witnesses named by Blasey have contradicted her and in no way support her claim. The one “volunteer” has also backed off. Blasey (and her Clinton loving lawyer) appear to be imploding.
BOMBSHELL: 3rd Man Named by Kavanaugh’s Accuser Contradicts Her, Praises Kavanaugh Instead
Kavanaugh Accuser’s Schoolmate Says Attack Did Happen; Then She Abruptly Backpedals
How the U.S. Senate Became a Campus Kangaroo Court
Video: Female Supporters of Judge Kavanaugh Hold #IStandWithBrett Press Conference
- Concept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.
Ricki Seidman, Clinton-Obama official, advisor to Anita Hill, now exposed as advisor to Blasey who put her forward as an attacker in July — we have audio. Clearly a hit job with political intent, never mind the facts.
Was Kavanaugh Accusation An Orchestrated Hit Involving Former Anita Hill Adviser?
Soros Funded Hit Job from June 2018
Kavanaugh’s accuser and the curious George Soros links
…a report from June in the Daily Caller that found “a new political advocacy group that vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop … Kavanaugh’s confirmation has significant ties to the liberal financier” Soros.

ROBERT STEELE: Confirmation is assured as of today but the varmints are not done. In summary: Blasey is a possible alcoholic with no memory; works for CIA (second generation) AND abortion pill maker; represented by Hillary Clinton lover and lawyer and fund-raiser Katz; organized covertly from June 2018 by Ricki Seidman (female, advisor to Anita Hill) working with Demand Justice as funded by George Soros); everyone she names as a witness says “no way” while over 100 adult women who have worked with Judge Kavanaugh testify strongly and without equivocation in his favor. Feinstein, the key Senate front for Schumer, and alleged to be both bribed and blackmailed by CIA/Mossad as well as an alleged pedophile, is at a fork in the road: she can follow McCain to hell or Graham to heaven. Three scenarios:
01 Democrats will arrange for Blasey to die this week-end, and claim “deplorables” (or “dregs”) did it.
02 Committee will very properly refuse to accept demand that Judge appear first, she will not (as planned) appear, both sides claim victory.
03 She appears, it plops. The Committee has bent over backwards for this bullshit, most of America gets it.
Below is a cartoon from Jim Stone (URL that captures the absurdity of the prevarication on the part of Blasey and her handlers. They over-reached and clearly did not understand how quickly the public would do the job the Republicans and media could not do: nail Blasely with facts… all that is needed to destroy this defamatory saboteur….facts.
Now here is my personal assessment of the cost to women of this outrageous attack on a Supreme Court nominee at the last minute in a most unethical fashion, and mindful of the double-standard (the Clinton pedophiles, the Biden and Obama transgressions and more). Women are going to lose trust and employment opportunities. I have been reflecting personally on the degree to which I might wish to avoid hiring or working with any women — and certainly never be left alone with any woman — because I am learning that it is now possible to destroy a man — any man, however impeccable their reputation — simply by leveling unproven charges of sexual harrassment against them — from 35 years ago no less. This is the new normal and it is not going to end well for women across America if they tolerate this bestiality. It is my personal estimate that based on their outrageous success with this largely worthless accuser (see the summary), the Democrats are now preparing for no fewer than 25 similar attacks against Republican incumbents and candidates across the federal races as well as some state races. This is so far outside the rule of law, so far outside any possible interpretation of due process, that I personally pray that these outrages will mobilize a larger public — including Independents, Greens, and Libertarians — to vote Democrats out of office. I want to get rid of the Republicans as well, but right, now the priority is to restore Constitution along with conservative, community and family values — and God — to our Republic. Everything about this attack reeks of malice and knowledge of falsity — defamation by any standard — and a conspiracy to defame as well. Triple damages. Let's hit them hard on Election Day: the only ethical weapon we have is our vote. St.
The naked picture was deleted because we were informed it has been around for a while and might not be her (one of several postings of the photo here).
Here is what is new:
01 Washington Post chose not to cover the original “pitch” to them in July (remember now, Soros funded the hit job in June when Seidman got involved). Our interpretation is that the Democrats knew Blasey's story was empty, they were hoping for an anonymous hit job via the Post.
02 The letter from Blasey to Feinstein has been released and is unsigned (as if Katz wrote it and sent it from her DC office).
03 Kavanaugh is releasing his calendar from that high school period (who the hell keeps calendars from high school?) showing he was traveling.
04 Democrats are rolling out a new accuser from Yale, which is famous for freshmen getting blind drunk and having sex with passing dogs.
05 All of this bodes well for the November elections — the disgust across the land about the Democrats acting so far outside the bounds of ethics and law is palpable. This disgusting episode may give the Republicans a 10% bump.
01 Post reporter says Kavanaugh accuser was ‘terrified about going public'
02 Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein…
03 Kavanaugh to hand over calendars from 1982 that don't show party of alleged incident: report
04 New Kavanaugh Accuser Alleges Sexual Misconduct at Yale Party
05 The mainstream media is falsely claiming that Trump and the GOP are paying a price for this attack on Kavanaugh. Not so. Democratic candidates across the country are being associated with this apparently alcoholic promiscuous 35-year old allegation unsupported by facts with contradicting testimony from named witnesses: it is the Democrats that will pay the price. America is not stupid. This is the most ill-conceived unethical reprehensible act in the history of Supreme Court nominations — perhaps all nominations.
AFTERTHOUGHT: It is my hope that the Supreme Court as well as the lower courts have watched this political misbehavior with great care. In the future, unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misbehavior need to be treated as defamation and subject to punitive legal responses. St.
The below video has been sent to the psychological team of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse (it alleges rape by a Japanese donor — foreign contributions are illegal — to Feinstein's campaign, but there are other repressed memories to be harvested). Pending evaluation, we take this very seriously. Along with Chuck Schumer, we consider Dianne Feinstein to be in betrayal of the public trust at multiple levels.
Enhanced video with third party commentary (8:06)
Original video (7:13)
Official evaluation from our psychologist:
The longer she speaks the more she looks honest. We know there are a lot of fake actors going around these days, and to be honest, I thought at first she is one of them. They can be very convincing. But at a certain point her ‘heartbrain’ takes over and she starts rambling and rambling and there she is very honest in what she says. She’s angry and that is difficult to fake. In general, I would say her testimony is credible.
Absent a face to face interview and other measures, this is our evaluation.
Hats off to Fox News and Martha MacCallum. Finally, something useful. The interview with Judge Kavanaugh and his wife Asley confirms our view that Judge Kavanaugh is the ultimate NERD. This is a guy who still has his calendars from high school. The big tell: he was a VIRGIN through college. We believe him. He focused on being first in his class, captain of the basketball team, his service projects, and being a good friend. His wife — like President Donald Trump's wife — passes the smell test and could not be more gracious.
Transcript of Fox News interview with Brett Kavanaugh, wife
Phi Beta Iota: In combination, a Soros-funded probable alcoholic menopausal pawn with a 36 year old allegation that has no substance and has been contradicted by every so-called witness she herself has named; and the mob of demented unwashed morons who hounded Senator Ted Cruz and his wife out of a Washington restaurant, are why we need to come out in force in November. Is this the kind of country we want to live in? Below is a cartoon featuring Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Al Franken, and one other deviant. Welcome to the predatory post-truth world, Democratic version.
Re-Published with Permission. Visit Ben at https://grrrgraphics.com/.
Rachel Mitchell spent 12 years running the bureau in the Division responsible for the prosecution of sex-related felonies, including child molestation, adult sexual assault, cold cases, child prostitution and computer-related sexual offenses. She is a widely recognized expert on the investigation and prosecution of sex crimes, and has frequently served as a speaker and instructor on the subject.
Blasey Ford now making new demands, may not testify on Thursday after all
Phi Beta Iota: Demand for name has been met but some of the demands are flat out moronic — they seem to be setting the stage for not showing up.

Smear or not, one thing here is clear: privilege. A certain no-holds-barred-debauched lifestyle is in full view; no wonder the U.S. is in decline if this is to what we entrust leadership and guidance of our society.
Highly relevant to both the future of Judge Kavanaugh and the mid-term elections, President Donald Trump has DEMOLISHED “globalism.” The speech President Trump just gave at the UN General Assembly ranks as arguably the greatest and most flawless speech in modern history. A terminal blow to globalism in any and all interpretation. The cabal cannot survive its ramifications — the arrests begin soon. “Finesse” is not a work used to describe the President. We use it now.
Full text: Trump's 2018 UN speech transcript
Below is a photograph with priceless body language. Our interpretation: Senator Murkowski, from a state with real people, is telling Senator Feinstein to stick it where the sun don't shine, and chewing Feinstein's butt for the grotesque attacks against Kavenaugh capped by the mob that assaulted Senator Cruz & his wife. Our prayers are with Senator Murkowski and the spectacularly authentic people of Alaska. By the by, all the polls are wrong. America's anger is going to register on Election Day.
Two men have come forward to the Committee who think, they, not Kavanaugh, had the 1982 encounter with Blasey. Here are the tables from the staff, note the degree to which rodent-like Avanti, porn-performer lawyer extraordinaire, is not responding to basic demands from the staff.
Two men say they, not Brett Kavanaugh, may have been responsible for Christine Blasey Ford assault
Two men tell Senate that they, not Kavanaugh, assaulted Ford
David Martosko, Twitter 7:43 PM – 26 Sep 2018
Swtnick, two years older than Kavanagh, has an alleged history of drug and mental issues and may have committed statutory rape in 1980's; appears to have been fired from one company and sued by another, was sued for domestic violence by a man, and has both federal and Maryland tax liens against her. She was represented years ago by Debra Katz, Hillary Clinton lover, lawyer, and fund-raiser, who may be the person who dug her up as a means of reinforcing the questionable first alleged victim, Blasey, who appears to have life-long alcohol issues.
EXCLUSIVE: Julie Swetnick Was Sued For Domestic Violence And Defamation According To Court Documents
Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser
Seven questions for Julie Swetnick and Michael Avenatti
New Claims Add Fuel to Showdown Over Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
In passing, Judge Kavanaugh's opening statement for Thursday [not used]. What has been done to the Judge can be done to anyone if the line is not drawn here. We would love to see him file a defamation lawsuit against all parties if he is not confirmed. Katz and Avanti should lose their law licenses, Schumer (NY) and Feinstein (CA) should be removed by voters from office, along with Blumenthal (CT) and Hirono (HI).
Read Kavanaugh's opening statement: ‘Effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out'
What Brett Kavanaugh Really Learned in High School: Make the Rules, Break the Rules and Prosper
Candidates for Appointment to Government Posts or Judgeships Don’t Have a ‘Presumption of Innocence’
2000 (8 pm)
There are now indications that Christine Blasey's lawyers did not inform her of the many options offered by the Committee. In short, Debra Katz is now believed to have manipulated her client in a manner worthy of a Bar complaint and perhaps losing her license to practice law.
1900 (7 pm)
NBC has swung over in favor of Judge Kavanaugh, with a discussion of the McCarthy era and the degree to which Democratic misbehavior mirrors that era.
Cokie Roberts on ABC has swung over for Judge Kavanaugh. Never mind the other leftist shills.
CBS is also reporting that Judge Kavanaugh is now confirmable. He is called “authentic”
Hats off to Senator John Neely Kennedy (LA) for a fine ending — before God.
1700 (5 pm)
It is now known that Senator Feinstein introduced Christine Blasey to Debra Katz (Clinton lover, lawyer, and fund-raiser) in July. We believe Senator Feinstein when she says she did not leak the Blasey letter. We believe Katz leaked the letter and Katz has been working for Schumer, Clinton, and Soros the whole time. Katz appears very dirty at multiple levels. Having NSA pull all her emails and phone calls would be useful. Katz merits deep investigation.
Fox Reporter Claims Debra Katz Got Him Pulled From A Story On Her Lawsuit
1500 (3 pm)
Judge Kavanaugh and Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) have knocked it out of the park. Also Senator John Cornyn (TX), Senator Orrin Hatch (UT), and others.
Senator Mazie Hirono (HI) should be voted out of office. She is shamelessly fund-raising on Christine Blasey's back. Senator Kamala Harris (CA) should also be voted out of office.
There are hints that Democrats read Mark Judge's book, Wasted Tales of a Gen X Drunk and that they may have been inspired by that book to mount their smear campaign as a last desperate measure. Senator Chuck Schumer (NY, Zionist agent) is known to be the mastermind behind the demonic Senate Democratic smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh. His ass-kissing junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) lost any chance of being President with her disgraceful posturing during this McCarthy-era smear campaign.
The Democrats are clearly trying to delay and derail the confirmation using — in the words of Senator Chuck Schumer's: “any means necessary.”
DESPICABLE. Hats off to the Republicans for being fair and balanced.
1050 (10:15 am)
Senator Dick Durbin (IL) is a hypocrite. He knows the allegations are undocumented; he knows Chris Blasey was manipulated by her lawyers (who probably leaked the letter and appear to have not fully informed their client of options to the point the could lose their license to practice law if held accountable); he probably knows that mind control is real and Blasey is or could have been programmed. The calculated orchestrated political hit was not Blasey's idea, Blasey was a tool for the Clintons, Soros, and Senator Chuck Schumer. His continued call for an FBI investigation is dishonorable — it is a calculated attempt to delay and destroy — he ignores the words of Senator Joe Biden about the FBI. Senator Durbin knows he was seeking to manipulate the process ask asking Judge Kavanaugh to ask the President to suspend the nomination — absolute bullshit by Senator Durbin who has failed his constituents. The American Bar Association (ABA) has been bribed — they know these allegations are unprovable (and have been totally repudiated already by the existing witnesses). Senator Durbin — and the ABA's –are at the end of the road — he has lost his ethical compass and the ABA needs new leadership (as does the NRA which is not serious about the defending the 2nd Amendment) — our institutions, including the Senate, are a MESS.
0900 (9:15 am)
New letter from Mark Judge is in, signed, witnessed, game over.
I do not recall the events described by Dr. Ford in her testimony before the US Senate Judiciary Committee today. I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes. I am knowingly submitting this letter under penalty of felony.
Brett Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge speaks out after Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony
0815 (8:15 am)
CNN is waffling, finding both credible, the key factor is no evidence and passage of time. S. E. Cupp shines. David Axelrod continues delay narrative demanding FBI investigation. This is over. The Democrats have imploded.
0700 (7 am)
Alert Reader points out that $600,000 was raised for Christine Blasey for one day's work for the Democrats, not counting the undeclared funds or in kind benefits provided for lawyers, witnesses, and media personalities on the payroll. It must be emphasized that both these GoFundMe campaigns were started by opportunists who have no documented ties to Blasey, but hopefully will convey 100% of the raised funds to her.
$473,622 via GoFundMe (Anonymous)
$209,987 via GoFundMe (Heidi Feldman)
A former US Marshall has come in to suggest that President Donald Trump immediately place Christine Blasey under the protection of the US Marshalls. It would be a grace note. We agree.
Separately, a retired intelligence professional with mind-control program experience has observed that Blasey went through several personality shifts during her testimony, from a a 5-7 years child like identity, talking baby talk, then later switched identities to somber, late adult, elderly, then back. He strongly suspects that Blasey, who is known to be second-generation CIA dependent and whose father was connected to CIA's mind-control program, could have been programmed to name Brett Kavanaugh starting during the Bush Administration when he was part of the Starr investigation against Bill Clinton. Our bottom line: Judge Kavanaugh was authentic and there is no evidence; Christine Blasey was sincere but under control. Absent a defamation lawsuit with deep discovery we are unlikely know the details of how the Democratic smear machine set the stage and drove the stake home — someone will talk eventually, but for now commons sense must suffice.
0600 (6:00 am)
We have had our concerns about Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) in the past but his performance yesterday, in combination with his discussion of military tribunals with Judge Brett Kavenaugh, is in our view a “born again” moment for Senator Graham, for Congress, and for America. God Bless Lindsey Graham.
We stress again that we believe Senator Diane Feinstein (CA) with respect to not leaking the letter. Debra Katz should be investigated on this point.
Alert Reader writes in to ask if every Member of Congress who has used the Congressional slush fund to pay off individuals that they have sexually harrassed should now be considered unfit for their position, and asked to resign Fair question!
Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress
Body Language Analysis Belies Blasey-Ford’s Credibility
Take home points:
- her rigid body posture contradicts facial tics that reveal nervousness, strongly suggesting she’s putting on an act
- constant opening and closing of mouth indicates neurological problems
- she used “pretty pose” to make herself seem more vulnerable and feminine (again, an act)
- she glances at committee members (feinstein crewl) for guidance on certain questions, as if they pre-fed her specific answer to questions they told her were coming
- she looked defiant and stressed when the three contradicting witness testimonies were read (“these are my enemies who could expose my lying”)
- she’s “using emotion to manipulate her testimony”, altering her voice to affect victimhood
- “this looks like a professor got together with her liberal friends to take down Kavanaugh”
Phi Beta Iota: We believe she is telling the truth as she has been programmed. However, it is very likely that Debra Katz served as a go-between and coached her on planned questions and desired answers after leaking the letter and not telling her that she could have testified privately in California.
Ford Polygraph Results Released. Did They Just Blow a Huge Hole in Her Story?
The biggest problem with the so-called “lie detector” results are that the examiner never actually asked questions about Kavanaugh during the polygraph test.

ROBERT STEELE: I know most cannot handle the concept of CIA mind-control, but as a former spy for the CIA and as someone who has done a false flag for CIA and worked with a retired program manager familiar with CIA mind-control programs, I have to go on record as reiterating my original statement of 17 September 2018 when Owl first posted the lead article. Blasey is believed to be a second generation CIA dependent, whose father played a role in the CIA mind-control program. There are plenty of psychos, pedophiles, and generally sick people at CIA (on the black program edges) than most might imagine, to include employees that will offer their family members up for programming inclusive of child prostitution. While I continue to assert that 90% of the people at CIA are good people trapped in a bad system, no holistic analysis of the Blasey situation can be completed without considering CIA mind-control and the possibility that she was a) used as a CIA child prostitute for the Washington DC pedophile circuit back in the day; and b) programmed to take down future influentials — I would actually look for her having multiple therapists, each given a different judge's name as part of a “salt the mine” strategy. CIA is part of the Deep State — it — like the FBI and NSA — thrives on blackmail and bribery.
The Nazis brought mind-control ideas with them to both CIA and NASA, CIA has always had a mid-control program, and today I believe that mind-control capability is in the private sector. NASA appears to be the more advanced version that seeks to do remote and mass mind-control from space and cell towers. Only a full investigation mandated by the President will get to the bottom of all this. Here is a comment that just came in from an observer, the second such comment in the last 24 hours (see bottom of UPDATE 23 for the first such comment).
“The more I think about Ford's performance yesterday, the more I think she is *not* a paid Democrat agent, but rather a CIA trauma mind-control agent. Everyone on both sides said that she genuinely appeared to have suffered trauma, and I agree. It's just not the kind of trauma they think..”
See Especially:
Review: Trance: Formation of America
See Also:
In passing:
Re-Published with Permission. Visit Ben at https://grrrgraphics.com/.
Alert Reader (a mature West Coast female) writes in on two points:
The greater good that I am seeing is that women by the thousands are now feeling that they can speak about their own experiences of being abused and can therefore heal from the dreadful secrets they have held. This has been good for women in general.
Another Alert Reader points out that American Bar Association (ABA) President Bob Carlson may have signed the recent letter urging an FBI investigation without proper staffing, and appears to have very strong Zionist ties that could have subverted the ABA's due process. The Yale Law School letter should be interpreted in context of Yale having always been the lead CIA school for mind-control research (and still today the lead Pentagon school for mind-control research). The Deep State appears to fear Judge Kavanaugh.

ROBERT STEELE: Other Alert Readers have wondered whether the despicable mis-behavior of the Democrats (with the Clintons and Soros and perhaps John Brennan lurking in the background) is not the hand of God — if the Democrats succeed in destroying Judge Kavanaugh with 36 year old unsubstantiated allegations, this could seal the deal at the mid-terms and bury the Democrats. The President has been slow to inform America that the Democrats are blocking 175 other judicial appointments, not just that of Judge Kavenaugh but should start focusing on his mid-term message soon. The President's communications team STINKS. The Republican National Committee STINKS. The National Rifle Association STINKS. The President is ALONE. The President has no strategy for reaching out to people of color, Independents, and small party members. Other Alert Readers point with dismay to the Judge's Jesuit ties, his Bush ties (and role in legalizing torture), his alpha male posture as they see it (I do not), his life of privileged debauchery in his youth (Cynthia McKinney made this point — every Member of Congress shares that lifestyle today), and his bouffant haircut. Geraldo Rivera on Fox has put two bullets into the Judge's nomination with his constant blathering about Roe v. Wade being absolutely reversible by reinterpretation of the time when fetus rights trump mother rights. I believe the Judge will be cleared and he may be nominated — the greater good for me is the showcasing in the past two weeks of the balanced maturity of Republican Senators and the absolutely craven dishonorable impeachable behavior of the Democratic Senators. Kamela Harris can kiss her presidential aspirations good-bye — every American saw her being an unethical bitch of the first order. Cory Booker as well — the runt in the litter. To her credit, Senator Diane Feinstein is credible on the matter of respecting Christine Blasey's request for privacy and not leaking the letter — if anyone hangs for the past two weeks it will be Debra Katz, who should lose her license to practice law once a full investigation is completed on how she manipulated and misrepresented her client, to include leaking the letter and withholding from her client options what would have preserved her client's privacy.
Randy Short & Robert Steele: 12 Pardons = Black Male Vote [Comment by Cynthia McKinney]
Cynthia McKinney: Memorandum for the President 3.0
Robert Steele: Concept for Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 5 Trump 2.0
Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy
Note: Facebook is shadow-banning this website. I have spent $2000 preparing for being taken down and popping up elsewhere. Donate if you can (US tax deductible) to http://bigbatusa.org/donate.
Oops. Both Kavanaugh and Blasey were in violation of the law 36 years ago. This is a fact. Whether Judge Kavanaugh should be hung for something 80% of all teen-agers due without regard to the law — 36 years ago as well as today — is debatable.
Brett Kavanaugh wrongly claimed he could drink legally in Maryland in high school
Phi Beta Iota: While Cynthia McKinney has a point, our sympathies are with all the blue collar and middle class kids that ignore the law when they party. Under-age drinking is a national issue, not just a rich kid issue. Not having chaperones and responsible parents present is also a national issue, not just a rich kid issue. Adult alcoholism, prevalent across Congress and the Executive, is also a national issue. Do we need to have this conversation over Judge Kavanaugh's dead body?
Testifying under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford identified herself as a ‘psychologist,’ but records indict this is a false statement under California law. Someone at Stanford University also appears to have caught the [long-standing falsehood] and edited Ford’s faculty page.
Records Show Dr. Ford Is Not A Licensed Psychologist, May Have Committed Perjury
We do not make this shit up. The Arch of Baal, long associated with the Cabal, pedophiles, Satan, and more, was put up on the National Mall, “framing” the Capitol, one day before the Kavanaugh lynching. It comes down today.
The Arch Of Baal Was Put Up In Washington D.C. One Day Before Brett Kavanaugh Testified To Congress
The National Mall, Washington D.C., USA September 26 – 28, 2018
George Webb, who continues to excel in useful ways, has connected dots that suggest that both Blasey and Swetnick are part of a rogue CIA operation (PBI: perhaps under John Brennan in alliance with Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Chuch Schumer?) to destroy Judge Kavanaugh (PBI: this is not about Roe v. Wade, this is because he will support military tribunals against Deep State & Shadow Government traitors). Here is just one of George's tweets, in graphic form followed by the others, all worth a look.
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1046151467365740544
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1046128357925154816
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1046010301211119617
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1045782553620369414
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1045645155662004224
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1045680096630181893
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1045574045893349376
- https://twitter.com/GeorgWebb/status/1045398558915133441
We consider both Avanti and Swetnick to be under control and liable for defamation with conspiracy (triple damages) — she can probably be indicted for statutory rape of minors if she was indeed offering sex to high schoolers while in college.
We continue to believe that Blasey suffered trauma as a CIA mind-control subject in her childhood (see original post and UPDATE 25) while at the same time she was clearly drinking to excess at the age of 15 (UPDATE 7) and is today a pawn being managed by Katz on behalf of Schumer (UPDATES 8, 11). Below is a good depiction of the “Satanic smirk” that clearly implies Blasey is “playing” the Committee. Read the last paragraph at the link for an interpretation.
Note: the above link relies on WordPress.com, we anticipate it will be taken down soon in as much as WordPress.com is part of #GoogleGestapo and taking down conservative websites that rely on them, without notice or due process.
Just when you think the Deep State Fake New media could not sink any lower:
USA Today adds ‘pedophilia’ angle to Kavanaugh saga, sparks outrage
USA Today edits Kavanaugh piece with ‘pedophilia’ hints, gets even more backlash
In other news, the Judiciary Committee has referred one set of recanted allegations to Justice for criminal action. Those coming forward in the future with allegations can expect to be held accountable for lying under penalty. The Committee did not refer Blasey's now-known lie under oath to the effect that she is a research psychologist (UPDATE 28)
Judiciary Committee Refers Potential False Statements for Criminal Investigation

Kathleen Sengstock, the Senior Legislative Assistant for Representative Maxine Waters, appears to have published private residential information for three Senators, placing their lives in jeopardy.
It Looks Like Maxine Waters’s Staff Doxxed Several GOP Senators During the Kavanaugh Hearing

Judge Kavanaugh appears to have deepened his vulnerability by not being forthcoming on teen and college drinking inclusive of black-outs.
Blasey's little lies are starting to add up –and she still cannot answer the fundamental questions about who's house, how she got to and from, etcetera. Consider: door installed in 2008 to allow illegal rental unit (she is on record as saying she rented to Google employees evidence has surfaced they received mail at her address); was not in couples therapy in 2008 when door was added but four years later (and never mentioned Kavanaugh to therapist just as her polygraph did not cover Kavanaugh); and may have been renting to and/or serving as a mail drop for Dr. Sylvia Randall PHD a Group Psychotherapy Psychologist. At the top of the first link is an unconfirmed report that Debra Katz is facing a malpractice investigation — there are no winners her, but Katz and Blasey stand out for lying with malice (knowledge of falsity) while Judge Kavanaugh was lying by omission, seeking to negate his under-age drinking and occasional drinking to excess.
Vindication [with photos and Twitter graphics]
anomalous comment:
if you google that home address for Ms Ford…you will note the address comes up as a business address for a Dr. Sylvia Randall PHD a Group Psychotherapy Psychologist not for google interns
Building permit shows Christine Blasey Ford really did put a backdoor on her bedroom
The Mitchell Memo is out, rips Blasey apart, clears Judge Kavanaugh for going forward.
Evidence doesn't support claims against Kavanaugh, Judiciary Committee questioner says
On Fox at 0935 John Sununu called Debra Katz out for malpractice — it is now clearly understood by all that Blasey never heard that she had options, and it appears almost certain that Katz leaked the memo to force a public hearing, in clear betrayal of her client's explicit desires.
Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher were the two women who confronted Flake inside the elevator. Perhaps because they expressed such raw emotion, few media outlets dug into their political activism. Archila is an executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy; she had spent the previous week in Washington engaged in protests against Kavanaugh. Gallagher is a 23-year-old activist with the group. The center is a left-wing group heavily funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Indeed, as of 2014, Open Society was one of the three largest donors to the group. Make no mistake. The Center for Popular Democracy is at the heart of the effort to stop Kavanaugh.
Look who was behind the Jeff Flake elevator setup
She alleged in the document that “the activities of Congressional Democrats and Dr. Ford’s attorneys likely affected Dr. Ford’s account.”
Rachel Mitchell Memo Highlights Weaknesses In Ford Testimony, Exonerates Kavanaugh
Full Screen Mitchell Memo Easy to Read at SCRIBD.com
There is a huge difference between lies of omission and self-incrimination, and lies constructed with malice (knowledge of falsity) to assassinate someone. It is now known that Soros funded both the mobilization of Blasey via Seidman and Katz (UPDATE 11), and the ambush of Flake by Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher (UPDATE 34). It would be useful to determine if they were acting and neither of them has in fact every experienced a sexual assault.
She willingly hypnotized herself ( for a lot of cash) to create “artificial situation” about which she wrote a paper, an expert on the technique, thus she could display a faultlessly sincere memory which no other witness could corroborate, and she just happens to be insider at Google and teach CIA interns.
Blasey Ford Co-Authored Paper on Hypnosis used to ‘Create Artificial Situations’
Tip of the Hat to http://www.lipstick-and-war-crimes.org/.
The allegations against Kavanaugh were to be “staggered out to trigger public opinion calling for an FBI investigation” when one was not needed because the senators receiving the allegations knew they were already faked/not credible. It was a coordinated smear campaign between a United States Senator, 3 major newspapers, and a news network, to allegedly “criminally obstruct” the operation of the Judiciary Committee and of government operations.
An Alert Reader writes in to point out that the back story on the Kavanaugh smear campaign being led by Senator Chuck Schumer and Soros-funded activists (subversives would be a better term) is their stark fear of disclosures ordered by the President which would reveal the degree to which Members of Congress and Senior Executive appointees of the Obama Administration actively lied and committed legally-forbidden acts against the Donald Trump as a candidate — illegal actions coordinated by then President Barack Obama. Naturally we want these disclosures to the public done before Election Day.
Schumer/Pelosi Obstruct Disclosure
A recent USA Today–Ipsos Public Affairs poll showed that 35 percent of women nationwide believe Ford’s accusation, while only 21 percent of men do.
Red-state Dems face nightmare scenario on Kavanaugh
Judge Napolitano on Judge Kavanaugh & Patriot Act. In our view, the Democrats could have made a legitimate case (the high road) against the Kavanaugh nomination. They chose to take the low road (a smear campaign with no substance) while also trying to block the FISA disclosures that could fry Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi. Let there be justice…..
The Constitutional Reasons to Oppose Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court
Almost everything Blasey has said turns out to be a lie; Blasey has skills at manufacturing false memories; Katz is almost certain facing a Bar complaint for professional misconduct and should lose her license to practice law once proven.
There is growing evidence of FBI/CIA complicity in developing the Blasey attack on Judge Kavanaugh.
We remind readers that there are seven CIAs, seven FBIs, most close to the Deep State, generally at least one close to the Constitution.
Is Christine Blasey-Ford An FBI Asset?
Republican Senator Benjamin Eric Sasse from Nebraska has just turned against the President and Judge Kavanaugh. It is relevant that he earned his degrees from St. Johns (MD), Harvard, and Yale — a Deep State line-up where the vulnerable are compromised and video recorded. It merits comment that there appears to be no video compromising Judge Kavanaugh from Yale as it would have been produced by now.

Jackson A. Cosko, 27, most recently worked for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, and was formerly on the staffs of Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
He has been charged with five federal counts and two counts under Washington, D.C., law in relation to the “doxing” of “one or more” lawmakers, according to a US Capitol Police news release. The charges include counts of witness tampering, identity theft, second-degree burglary, and unlawful entry.
Democratic staffer arrested for ‘doxing' of Republican senators during Kavanagh fight
Should Judge Kavanaugh be denied because of his complicity with the FBI in covering up the murder of Vince Foster, as well as his role in writing the Patriot Act (in advance of 9/11) and legalizing torture?
No matter what side you’re on, crucial pieces of Kavanaugh’s work history must be considered.
The Constitutional Reasons to Oppose Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court
Kavanaugh's role in Bush-era torture debate now an issue in his Supreme Court nomination
We continue to believe that Blasey suffered deep trauma as a child, but that the identity of Judge Kavanaugh was inserted with malice by others after his consideration for the Supreme Court nomination began, via Soros funding and the mobilization of Ricki Seidman, former advisor to Anita Hill.
The Judge has hurt himself with lies of omission (he clearly was an under-age drinker, drank to excess, and blacked out occasionally); this is true of most of us, especially those who have served in the military or law enforcement. He has not, however, lied with malice toward anyone else.
We continue to believe that Senator Diane Feinstein did not leak the letter — the combination of Blasey not being told about the privacy options including secret meetings on the West Coast, and the clumsy manner in which the letter was leaked, suggest that Debra Katz should be investigated for malpractice and lose her law license if found to be guilty of manipulating her client to her own ends. We are waiting for further details on the orchestration of the media campaign against Judge Kavanaugh by a specific Senator via email.
It has always been our view that Joan Larsen should have been more carefully considered, in part because she is not a graduate of Harvard or Yale, is from the middle of the country, served on a state supreme court, clerked for Justice Scalia, and shared the views of Chief Justice John Roberts on not making laws.
Potential nominee profile: Joan Larsen
The Democrats under the leadership of Senator Chuck Schumer failed to make a reasonable case that was within their grasp, against Judge Kavanaugh as an executive extremist. The manner in which they set out to attack the Judge with what appear to be false — even outlandish — and certainly malicious — allegations leave us in favor of his confirmation. We do believe that if confirmed, the Judge has been scarred for life and will henceforth be a strong advocate for men falsely accused of rape or child molestation as a revenge tactic. There is too much of that today. Women lie (as do men). Case in point: Hillary & Bill Clinton.
Brett Kavanaugh Now Massive Favorite to Be Confirmed Following FBI Report
- Thursday's FBI Report found no corroborating evidence of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
- Kavanaugh's confirmation odds have quickly skyrocketed across the betting market.
- Oddsmakers now give Kavanaugh a 94.1% chance to be confirmed (-1,600 odds).
NOTE: FBI talked to over 150 different people, not just the 4 or 5 named.
Dr. James Fetzer is producing a book on this debacle. Robert Steele has agreed to write a chapter. We anticipate that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed and the Debra Katz will be soundly disciplined behind the scenes. Dr. Blasey is at risk of being suicided — President Trump should place her under the protection of the US Marshalls. If she is murdered between now and Election Day the Republicans will never recover. We further anticipate that the next Justice nominated by President Trump will be female — our favorite is Judge Joan Larsen — she is not a graduate of Harvard or Yale, is from the middle of the country, served on a state supreme court, clerked for Justice Scalia, and shares the views of Chief Justice John Roberts on not making laws. She will also have a deep balancing impact on Justice Kavanaugh.
Chuck Schumer, who replaced Joe Lieberman as the senior traitor explicitly charged with subverting the US Congress for the benefit of Zionist Israel, blew it. The Democratic character assassination against Judge Kavanaugh, with lies refuted by the FBI supplemental investigation, has finished the destruction of the Democratic Party. God is laughing. He is laughing at Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Peloisi.
Poll: Amid Kavanaugh Confirmation Battle, Democratic Enthusiasm Edge Evaporates
On Fox at 1730 (5:30 pm for you latte-sucking liberals) Senator John Cornyn (TX) spoke directly to the value of a Bar association review of malpractice by Debra Katz and Michael Avenatti, subjecting them to censure if not the loss of their license to practice law. Good-bye, rodents.
“Marked by their usual crude reductionism of a human being to a bloody fanged Marxist stereotype, the Democrats stripped Kavanaugh of his humanity, hurled unsubstantiated accusations with the assistance of a creepy porn lawyer, and preyed on the emotional natures of the most feeble-minded members of the Republican senatorial caucus. It was a despicable performance all around, and one for which they must be held accountable when the fighting finally stops.”
Long before the Democrats chose to follow the low road of character assassination based on lies, there were valid reasons for challenging Judge Kavanaugh's nomination, inclusive of his helping to legalize rendition & torture and his role in drafting the Patriot Act while helping cover up Dick Cheney's role as the conductor of the 9/11 false flag attack used to justify the $7 trillion war. Below is another reason for voting “NO” — a history of lies that is documented.
Bret Kavanaugh Is a Liar, a Perjurer and Belongs in Jail Instead of on the Supreme Court
If we failed to confirm every person running for office who is an alcoholic, liar, pedophile, or thief there would be few people in office — easily 80% of all of our Senators, Representatives, Governors, and Senior Executives are failed citizens. This should be a learning moment for America. We are a cheating culture.
Review: The Cheating Culture–Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead
Young people can be mindful of the their exposure 30+ years in the future. Stupid yearbook comments and videos of drunken excess are now ‘fair game.”
Older people should recalibrate their moral compasses. Corey Stewart is making a good point this morning in Virginia: voters should demand the release of the names of all the Members from whom taxpayers have paid to settle sexual harrassment and abuse claims.
264 Congressional Accountability Act [Sexual Harrassment and Abuse] Settlements in 20 Years
We favor a YES vote on Kavanaugh, who is scarred for life. His arrogance has been shaken and that is a good thing. Now we look forward to our President nominating the next female justice who absolutely must NOT be a graduate of Harvard or Yale, both bastions of drunken excess and privilege.
Senate votes 51 to 49 to advance nomination. Likely to be 50-50 with Vice President Pence as the tie-breaker.
The photo below (and source link) tie the Zionist Schumer club to the FBI witchhunt club to the CIA mind-control club.
Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…
Susan Collins will vote YES and has delivered a most extraordinary speech that every American citizen can appreciate. She shines and in shining shames the Democrats who took the low road of character assassination. She would be a phenomenal replacement for Vice President Pence in 2020 and a deeply satisfying first woman President with a coalition cabinet in 2024.
Below is a post confirmation discussion of Justice Kavanaugh as the final move on the chessboard toward restoring the Republic and the Constitution.
The liars who sought to undermine Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation are confessing in detail — and are in a great deal of trouble with the law.
Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story