Bringing big tech to heel: how do we take back control of the internet?
The project will reference the world-leading Global Data Protection Regulation developed by the European Union. Under the regulation, the idea that you control your data footprint has been accepted and embedded with privacy protocols placing enforceable rules on how corporations harvest and then monetise personal information. Protections include the right to be unknown and the right to be able to delete your personal records from a business that is holding them. It also includes rights for portability of data allowing, for instance, a user to take their data with them when they change banks, obligations on a business to delete a customer’s records when the customer takes their business elsewhere, as well as stringent data-handling protocols. Adopting these principles in Australia would be a significant step towards taking responsibility for the way the digital economy affects our privacy.
Phi Beta Iota: Worth a read but the author self-censors on the core topics of censorship, data manipulation, and digital assassination of conservatives.
See Also:
Steele, Robert, “How The Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics: #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy,” American Herald Tribune, 7 November 2017.
Steele, Robert. “Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet: An Open Source Internet Can Create Peace and Prosperity for All,” Russian International Affairs Council, 5 February 2018. PBI BackUp
Steele, Robert, “The Big Lie: “Russian Propaganda.” The Bigger Lie: “The Truth is What We Say it is.”,” American Herald Tribune, 18 September 2018. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele, “Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook” Russian International Affairs Council, 5 April 2019. PBI BackUp