Five years ago, in a landmark study, Kosmos described a growing ‘global transformation movement’ consisting of many smaller movements: climate justice, ecocide law, species protection and conservancy, indigenous solidarity, sacred ecology, transition towns and ecovillages, and many more. We predicted that each of these movements would organically develop self-awareness of the greater whole. And now many of these tributaries are merging, surging together as one great river.
Useful graphic below the fold.
There are signs everywhere of breakthrough, rather than breakdown. . . . positive, hopeful signs of transformation. For nearly twenty years, Kosmos has been at the vanguard, advancing a new cosmology, ancient insights, and fresh narratives for the coming times. Many of you have been there, each step of the way with us – thank you. It’s exhilarating to feel the Great Tide turning, and to know we each have our role to play in these epic times.