Robert Steele: 5G is the Future, China is the Main Enemy? – Steve Bannon is a Moron

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

I wrote Steve Bannon off a while ago, but as he has been desperately scrabbling around for money (the Mercers very wisely cut him off) and is now running his mouth about shit he does not understand, I thought to highlight the headline below and make a comment.

Stephen Bannon on Huawei and the Communist China Threat

“The backbone of the future of technology is 5G,” Bannon said in an interview with The Epoch Times’ program “American Thought Leaders.”

Standing with me on the stage at Dimensions of Disclosure in Ventura, California on 24 August 2019 is Sacha Stone who along with Mark Steele (no relation) is one of the world's foremost experts on 5G, which is a genocidal and ecocidal technology that President Donald Trump understands and is in the process of neutralizing.

I knew more about China as a second year Master's student in 1976 than Bannon will ever know and what he does not know, because he is totally out of the loop, is that General Secretary Xi Jingping and President Donald Trump (as well as President Vladimir Putin) have a deal; all the noise is posturing, the Elders in both East and West have funded a Global Economic Reset including a new banking system, and President Donald Trump got us a better deal.  The money starts coming into the US economy next week.

Not only are we going to strongly support the unification and denuclearization of the Koreas, a Xi initiative with Trump as the closer, we are also going to throw the Zionists under the bus and made the deal with Iran — we will uninvent Israel, restore Palestine to the Palestinians, denuclearize the Middle East, and castrate both Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

China is not our enemy.  They are a competitor. The enemy is the Deep State. The President knows this, is fighting — and winning — that war, and Steve Bannon is starting to sound like the posturing fat boy on the playground desperately trying to be relevant.

Poor Steve Bannon. No clue, no money.  Have another drink, Steve.

Idiot's Guide to 5G

Sacha Stone: 5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event (Video, 1:17:56)

James Corbett on 5G – Greatest Threat to Freedom Ever

5G @ Phi Beta Iota

Idiot's Guide to China

Review: The Future Is Asian by Parag Khanna

Review: Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization

China @ Phi Beta Iota


Robert Steele: If I Were President

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
