Vindman is Jewish-American. Was he groomed to be America-First in Iraq, and, now, when the Zionists need Trump dumped, is he Israel-First as he throws Trump under the bus? Did Bibi have him in the WH as the perfect mole, as his insurance policy in case Trump did a 180 on Zionists? This theory dovetails with the National Interest article, “Does Israel Have Something to Fear from Donald Trump?“which says among other things:
“The Israelis are concerned that Trump will change his mind about supporting them in the same cavalier way that he switched his position with regard to the Kurds. “The conclusion we draw needs to be unequivocal: Trump has become unreliable for Israel. He can longer be trusted,” declared Shimon Shiffer in a column in Yediot Ahronot, the Israeli newspaper with the widest circulation in the country.”
Bibi, on his last legs, already has the Kushner pipeline, but Jared could never be used to dump Trump. Someone else was needed: An ostensible patriot of the first order. Do you get my drift? I'm just throwing theories around. He would have to be polygraphed or have his communications thin-threaded, but anything is possible.
At impeachment hearing Colonel testifies he raised concerns about Ukraine, Trump
“Vindman, a 20-year military officer, added to the mounting evidence from other witnesses — diplomats, defense and former administration officials — who are corroborating the initial whistleblower’s complaint against Trump and providing new details ahead of a House vote in the impeachment inquiry.”
ROBERT STEELE: When our President so brilliantly awarded Miriam Adelson the Medal of Freedom, no one, including me, understood that he was bringing the Adelsons back to “America First.” Let me be clear: Benjamin Netanyahu and Zionist Israel are America's MAIN ENEMY. We can discuss the British Royal Family, , City of London, and British Satanic elite totally intermarried with Zionists another time. In my view, Netanyahu has decided that Donald Trump must be expelled, and someone like Tulsi Gabbard (a Hinto Brahmin who believes the 1% have an absolute right to lord it over everyone else) should be President. Our President is under attack. The fake raid against the fake terrorist, and the contrived testimony of LtCol Vindman, are in my view a “one two punch” from Benjamin Netanyahu against President Donald Trump.
I must emphasize that the Kurds are slaves to the Zionists. The Zionists — and rogue elements of CIA and the Pentagon — are training, equipping, and leading the Kurds as disruptive agitators intended to destabilize Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Our President is making the RIGHT decisions. The time has come to place America First. Our President is trying to do that, and in my judgment, LtCol Vindman appears to be acting as an agent of a foreign power.
See Also:
Russia Insider: Ukrainian Jew Dressed as US Army Colonel Slanders His Commander-in-Chief
State of the Nation: Was this Zionist military man and diplomat planted in the Trump administration to testify against Trump?
Las Vegas Review-Journal: As Trump abandons Kurds, Israel worries about trust
The Jerusalem Post: After Trump abandons Kurds, Israel knows it can’t rely on anyone
The Times of Israel: Attack on Kurds: Israel can’t trust Trump
See Also:
52 Zionist Strikes (Zionism is Not Judaism)
UPDATE 1: Schiff as Foreign Agent
Phi Beta Iota: Adam Schiff is clearly acting as a foreign agent as well as betraying his Oath to serve the American people with integrity. Every text, call, and email, every visitor, every dollar he has ever touched should be under massive investigation.
Adam Schiff Coached Alexander Vindman Throughout Impeachment Testimony: Nunes
Adam Schiff Stopped Impeachment Witness From Answering GOP Questions
DefDog: NATO Imploding? US-Turkey Against the Deep State?
Majestic 12 / Q: Israel is Over….
Ole Dammegard: New World Order is Crashing….
Robert Steele: Peace in the Middle East by 2024?
UPDATE 2: Vindman as Foreign Agent
Phi Beta Iota: First fifteen minutes cover Vindman's likely treason as a dual Ukrainian-US citizen both leaking secrets to the Ukrainians, and violating his Oath of office against President Trump with false testimony. It merits comment that the Zionists and neocons are very well established as the dark force in the Ukraine, the President should have Vindman and Schiff under a counterintelligence microscope.