Election 2020 – Week to 10 Nov 2019

Cultural Intelligence

Sunday, 10 Nov 2019 — Praise be to God!

Big Picture.  Trump’s re-election likely if cconomy stays on course — impeachment likely to implode once CIA and DoD seditionists are fully exposed — and House is held accountable for violating the Constitution by weaponizing impeachment for partisan purposes.  The delusion of the Democrats is now being widely discussed. Beyond that peace in the Middle East, US military comes home to parades, student debt jubillee — the options for the President as without limit. 35 seats in Senate and 11 Governorships are also in play. As we have predicted for some time, Mike Bloomberg is entering the race — this is good — this will force President Trump to listen to Robert Steele and Cynthia McKinney. Bloomberg-Gabbard WILL beat Trump absent Trump's making big changes. Trump's Blacks for Trump launch in Atlanta was pathetic. He and his staff are not “getting” the hows, whens, and whys of the black vote.  YUGE mistake.

Budget Busters/Economy. 

Candidates.  Most are calling Biden or Warren as Trump's competitor.  We do not think so, we think the killer ticket is Bloomberg-Gabbard.  Hillary Clinton may be crazy enough to run again, thank you Lord for the gift that keeps on giving. Warren will be destroyed by Trump in a general election.

Demographics. President continues to dominate swing states.

Down-Ticket Impact. Wall Street snubbing Democrats in Senate races, a direct reaction to Elizabeth Warren.

Election Reform/Electoral College.

Fake News/Election Interference.

Impeachment/Investigations. Once the CIA whistleblower is outed — and the Ukrainian-rooted treason of his US Army collaborator understood by the public — the impeachment should lose momentum.



Voter Fraud/Ballot Fraud.

Zionist Influence on USA.


Big Picture.

Trump’s Re-Election Likely If Economy Stays on Course

New Poll Shows Democratic Candidates Have Been Living in a Fantasy World

The latest battleground poll tells us Democrats are over-correcting for 2020 — and they can't beat Trump that way

It’s one year until the 2020 election. Here are 10 numbers you need to know

Weaponizing Impeachment against Political Opponents

Michael Bloomberg Prepares To Enter The Presidential Race

Andrew Garfield: Could Bloomberg Win with Gabbard & Moderate Republicans Abandoning Trump? YES!

President launches ‘Black Voices for Trump' campaign in Atlanta

Budget Busters/Economy.


Donald Trump's second term is becoming more likely

Fox News Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Beating Donald Trump in 2020—And She's Not Even Running

‘The stakes are enormous’: is Hillary Clinton set for a White House run?

Will ‘Sexist’ White Males Derail Warren?


Trump is competitive in six 2020 swing states despite national weakness, polls say

Down-Ticket Impact.

Wall Street donors are so worried about Elizabeth Warren that they are snubbing Democrats in 2020 Senate races

Election Reform/Electoral College.

Fake News/Election Interference.


Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Trump inches closer to outing purported whistleblower

Brennan's Spy? New Theories Emerge About Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower

Attorneys Admit ‘Whistleblower' Had Contacts With Other Presidential Candidates

Who Will Betray Trump?



Voter Fraud/Ballot Fraud.

Zionist Influence on USA.

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT DAVID STEELE is the founder of #UNRIG: Unity through Integrity (Election Reform Act Proposed). A former spy for the CIA and the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, he is  today the CeO of Earth Intelligence Network (501c3) and Open Source Everything, Inc. (C Corp). He focuses on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the public interest, not to be found within the US Government; on election reform; and on elite pedophilia as the scourge that has allowed the Zionists, using tools such as , to subvert the Congress, Executive, Judiciary, and media of the USA. Avocationally he in interested in off-shore sailing, racketball, and reading — he is the top reviewer in English for non-fiction, with over 2,000+ reviews posted across 97 categories of non-fiction (1 of fiction). His life’s work is free online at https://robertdavidsteele.com.

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