Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Shifts Gears on Lawsuit, Claims Pricing Mistake, Judge Falls For It…

Commercial Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazon Versus Microsoft: JEDI in Play?

DarkCyber spotted a story in Stars and Stripe titled “Judge Says Amazon Likely to Succeed on Key Argument in Pentagon Cloud Lawsuit.” The source appears to be the Bezos-owned Washington Post. That fact may provide some context for the story.

Phi Beta Iota: As we understand it, the DoD decision was based on Microsoft offering a flexible my cloud – your servers option, while Amazon insisted my cloud the hell with your servers. If DoD presses on this point, Amazon should lose the challenge. As Brother Steve points out, acquisition is hosed. Lawyers (and judges) can be bought — the DoD mission will suffer.

ROBERT STEELE: I want to comment on this. The judge has made a huge mistake. This case represents the end of effective DoD procurement. There is a need for a complete over-haul  of acquisition law. We are now in dumb ass leftist “everyone gets a prize” acquisition. Amazon lost on merit. DoD needs to crush them.

See Also:

Amazon @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
