Zero Hedge: CJ Hopkins: Mainstream Media Has Been Conditioning You For This Uprising For Four Years

Cultural Intelligence

CJ Hopkins: Mainstream Media Has Been Conditioning You For This Uprising For Four Years

Authored by CJ Hokpins via The Consent Factory,

The Minneapolis Putsch

America is still a racist country, but America is no more racist today than it was when Barack Obama was president. A lot of American police are brutal, but no more brutal than when Obama was president. America didn’t radically change the day Donald Trump was sworn into office. All that has changed is the official narrative. And it will change back as soon as Trump is gone and the ruling classes have no further use for it.

And that will be the end of the War on Populism, and we will switch back to the War on Terror, or maybe the Brave New Pathologized Normal … or whatever Orwellian official narrative the folks at GloboCap have in store for us.

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