James Fetzer: On Appeal Robert Steele: Should Overturn

09 Justice

The appeal is a matter of right and the briefing Is occurring. Pozner must respond in 30 days.



ROBERT STEELE: The above appeal is first class but does not mention what I know to be fact: Jim Fetzer is a world-class scholar as I took pains to document in the below interview and the associated powerpoint briefing.

Fetzer Slides 11 Final

Below by Kevin Barrett is the best layman's overview of the judicial malpractice that is being appealed.

Kevin Barrett: Legal Lynching – Stalinist Show Trial of Dr. James Fetzer, USMC, by a Bad Judge in Wisconsin


Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

Memoranda for the President on Sandy Hook: Is FEMA A False Flag Fake News Terrorist Node? UPDATE 1: Letter to AG DHS Hill

Robert Steele: Did Alex Jones “Throw” The Sandy Hook False Flag Lawsuit? — Was He Bribed or Blackmailed?

Yoda: Pozner vs. Fetzer — A Study in Corrupt Justice

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