1. I’m a Danish citizen living in Gothenburg Sweden. I’ve heard some saying that Sweden, Denmark and France are “experiment” countries in the current situation. What is your take on that?
2. Are the Scandinavian governments also part of The president’s great plan?
3. Why isn’t there a mandatory 1 to 3 years, no parole, incarceration placed on all perpetrators of voter fraud?
4. When are you expecting Trump to abolish the IRS?
5. Can you provide us with any information about the JFK Assassination ATTEMPT that he survived, and/or Russian cooperation with that Plan from that Event forward through the decades?
6. What is your opinion on where we go from here? Can Trump still prevail?
7. Not sure how much you know or care to talk about eschatology, but wanted to know your thoughts on historicism vs. futurism. Is the writing on the wall for the Vatican? What is the significance of Cardinal Vigano's open letter to the President?
8. The Trump campaign isued a statement saying the Democrats plan to deligitimize election day results. I understand the Dems hired hundreds of lawyers across the country to push this strategy. How can they be stopped? Is this where SCOTUS comes in as the legitimate countermeasure?
9. Who runs GITMO?
10. What do you expect for Germany after Trump's win? Will Trump be willing to become active to support Germany to get rid of the current ultra left regime? If yes, how long could this take?
11. Can you offer any advice to your subscribers who are dealing with losing family and friends over the 911 facts and discussions?
12. Can you comment on what disruption can be expected after Nov 3, will this include nationwide failure/disruption of the power grid, internet, food supply, etc??? Could the U.S. military refuse to follow presidential executive orders? Is invasion of Communist Chinese Party military possible? Do you have any other comments on what to expect after Nov 3?
13. Do President Trump and his team have clear,convincing ,and verifiable evidence of election fraud? If so how are they going to use it to let the American people know.
14. Does the NSA have evidence that can be brought forward regarding election fraud? I am so tired of the democrats getting away with this!!
15. Robert, If and when Biden becomes president, does the NWO Great Reset with Mandatory Vaccines for a virus that does not exist mean that eventually if I resist the vaccine the DS will literally starve me out of existence with the digital dollar in control?
16. Do you think “Operation Scorecard” is Real?
17. Heard that Bush 43 had agreed to a sentence of lethal injection. Is he still alive, giving testimony, or something else?
18. Can you comment on what disruption can be expected after Nov 3, will this include nationwide failure/disruption of the power grid, internet, food supply, etc???
19. Is invasion of Communist Chinese Party military possible?
20. As many of us are furious history buffs, do you think that stellar races we have been involved with and who are aiding us now have the same penchant, and will provide us their video and records?
21. Please comment on Steve Pieczenik's info that Trump watermarked the ballots w/o Dems knowledge – in anticipation of ballot fraud. If ballots are printed in individual states, how is this possible? Hoping !!!
Plus additional questions raised in chat.
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