Zero Hedge: Saxo Bank 10 Far-Out Predictions With Grit!

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

2021 Will Be A “Reality Check On Extend-And-Pretend” – Saxo Bank Unveils Its ‘Outrageous Predictions' For The Year Ahead

Saxo Bank has today released its 10 Outrageous Predictions for 2021. The predictions focus on a series of unlikely but underappreciated events which, if they were to occur, could send shockwaves across financial markets:

  1. Amazon “buys” Cyprus
  2. Germany bails out France
  3. Blockchain tech kills fake news
  4. China’s new digital currency inspires tectonic shift in capital flows
  5. Revolutionary fusion design catapults humanity into energy abundance
  6. Universal basic income decimates big cities
  7. Disruption dividend creates Citizens Technology Fund
  8. A successful Covid-19 vaccine kills companies
  9. Sun shines on silver, which sizzles on solar panel demand
  10. Next-generation tech supercharges frontier and emerging markets

Read summary of each of the above  – none of them too far fetched.

PDF (26 Pages): 2021 Saxo Outrageous Predictions with Oomph

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