Everything Wrong with the Capitol Shooting
Text summary of key points below the fold.
- The video maker breaks down the available footage of the “Shooting Incident” showing it is a staged event. The where all actors.
- The line of the projectile from the gun would not have hit her (the victim) in the neck.
- When the shot is fired, nobody ducks for cover nor runs away.
- There was no wound blood for 20 seconds, then blood 4 seconds later.
- They never exposed the wound, never took off the neck bandana which is the first thing you do.
- They pronounced her dead after a very short time, which only a Coroner can do.
- The SWAT team is a joke, never takes control of the situation and waves their ARs around.
- With a two man carry, they carried her down stairs without a stretcher when she should have never been moved if she had a neck injury.
- They carried her down stairs with her head & wound downhill. Always elevate the wound and when possible do not have the victim upside down.
- There should have been massive blood on the stairs, there wasn't.
- One woman actually said “It is all acting, they are actors”
- Another woman “I am convinced it was rehearsed and orchestrated, from what I saw”
- Basically, this video is proof that what Pelosi used to Impeach Trump was staged.