Matt Stoller: Crime Shouldn’t Pay: Why Big Tech Executives Should Face Jail Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai need to be indicted.

Commerce, Corruption, Government

Crime Shouldn't Pay: Why Big Tech Executives Should Face Jail

Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai need to be indicted.

ROBERT STEELE: BigTech and Wall Street partners all need to go to jail, but so also do the legislators and federal, state, and local officials who have been complicit in these crimes — including CIA. Everything is connected — Satanic pedophilia is the glue, Wall Street treason & crime is  the engine, corrupt government officials put in place  with election fraud are the enablers. Learn more: This is not just about cheating the public financially, this is about mind-control, destroying families and communities, pushing transgenderism and other perversions, and more. BigTech in its present form is a crime against humanity — as are Wall Street and the US Congress.

Alert Reader points out that there is more to this than meets the eye, including an attempt by the Deep State to institutionalize “hate speech” as “seditious libel” which is prohibited by the First Amendment.

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