Martin Geddes: Five lessons for the effective digital soldier

Cultural Intelligence

Five lessons for the effective digital soldier

I have volunteered to do a short recorded talk for the ARISE USA Tour that is hitting 84 locations across 50 states. I will share the video with you as soon as it is available. In the meantime, I have turned my notes into a readable script to pass around.

I am a notorious commentator on current events. My roles including being a writer and artist, as well as a recovering computer scientist. I am based in London, am British by birth and passport, but American by outlook and former residency (in Kansas City). My book Open Your Mind To Change, with a foreword by Robert David Steele, was recently censored by Amazon. You can still download a free copy at

This is not a talk about my book. It is also not a talk about Q, Donald Trump, The Great Awakening, the Second American Revolution, psychopaths, propaganda, censorship, big tech, the future of the Internet — or many other topics that I could speak on.

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