Somewhere along the line a marketer cooked up volume, variety, and velocity to describe Big Data. Well, VVV is good but now we have VVVVV. Want to know more about “value” and “veracity”? Navigate to “2 More Big Data V’s—Value and Veracity.” The new Vs are slippery. How does one demonstrate value. The write up does not nail down the concept. There are MBA type references to ROI, use cases, and brand. Not much numerical evidence or a credible analytic foundation is presented. Isn’t “value” a matter of perception. Numbers may not be needed. Veracity is also a bit mushy. What about Brian Williams’ and his oft repeated “conflation”? What about marketing collateral for software vendors in search of a sale? I typed 25 and moved on. Neither a big number nor much in the way of big data.