A Conspiracy Synthesis
West Point graduate and former Army officer Joachim Hagopian provides a lengthy synthesis of most major or significant US government/global elitist-promulgated initiatives, actions and plans occurring in the last few years, including ISIS, the Chattanooga shootings, the Paris Charlie Hebdo attacks, the Boston and Charleston attacks and many other false flags, TPP, Jade Helm, eugenics, high technology, the stand-down of the Border patrol over significant stretches of the Mexican-US border, drug cartel control over many South American governments, missing nukes, underground bunkers for the elite – the list goes on and on. All of these and related subject typically fill many books and tens of thousands of articles, but this panorama – though not absolutely comprehensive, he missed some things – of the elite's felonies, malfeasances and scheming, is revealed by Hagopian to be coherent and thoroughly connected. Those who categorically deny conspiracies at the outset, will not, of course, be convinced.
Will the US-Created ISIS Attack Americans on US Soil?