Fund-Raiser: If You Value What We Do…

Civil Society, Ethics
Robert David STEELE Vivas

NEW: I am wrapping up the 9/11 POTUS Binder that will be published free online and also as #33 in the Trump Revolution Series. It will be published on 30 July 2018.

Below is the final cover.  The index of names is quite interesting but does not begin to scratch the surface because neither the FBI nor the media has been serious about mapping the Zionist network of individuals and companies that made 9/11 happen with the total complicity of Dick Cheney.

It's been a tough year as I have sought to recover from the six Deep State / Zionist attacks against #UNRIG, the story is told at

If you value what we do  that is free for all, please donate whatever you can spare to  All donations are tax deductible for US taxpayers. All donors receive both a Founding Citizen Certificate (two options below the fold) and an email from Robert Steele that opens a conversation.

To donate with check, cash, or crypto, email Robert for addresses.

I continue to focus on three projects:

01 Open Source Everything & a truth channel that cannot be censored

02 #UNRIG and showing the President why an Election Reform Act will take #WalkAway to its logical conclusion: 70% instead of 27% on his side

03 Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human  Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, for which I am an unpaid Commissioner and unpaid Chief Counsel.

My articles, interviews, and book reviews are all free online. I removed all of my reviews from Amazon because they are banning books, reviewers, and reviews they consider “politically incorrect” in violation of Title 7.

In dialog with valued contacts in Russia, I have provided a foundation for an eight-point Middle East peace and prosperity plan that includes the denuclearization of Israel, the termination of US financial support for Saudi Arabia, and the possible phased closure of all US bases surrounding Iran and across the Middle East and Africa.

I collect no pension and receive no salary. My first social security check arrives in August and goes directly to my wife, whose job gives me room and board as well as health insurance — she has tolerated my view that it is better to do the right thing for no money than the wrong thing for all the money in the world.

America is rediscovering its soul. That's a good thing. God Bless America.

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