CounterPunch: Silencing Our Veterans

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Military, Peace Intelligence

Silencing Our Veterans: a Bridge Too Far

In their letter to APA representatives, these operational psychologists suggest that this VFP member is likely a war criminal, and they call for changes to APA’s programming policies to make sure that similar participants never appear at future conventions. These are over-the-top tactics. But they suit a group that has seemingly taken to heart the informal motto of the CIA: “Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.”

Unsurprisingly, VFP’s own stance—shared by other organizations like Vietnam Veterans Against the War and About Face: Veterans Against the War—offers a sharp contrast. With members in over 100 chapters across the United States, for decades VFP has sought to reveal war’s ugly realities to an American public that is too often shielded from the widespread pain, trauma, and destruction of military “solutions.”

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Phi Beta Iota: The true cost of war includes the moral destruction of our military rank and file.

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