Election 2020 – Week to 13 Oct 2019

Cultural Intelligence

Sunday, 13 Oct 2019 — Praise be to God!

Big Picture. The lines are drawn — on one side, the Deep State and the Zionists, now combining, openly, both the extremists on the left and the extremists on the right. Brennan and Bannon are now one — Pelosi and Romney are now one. Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton are now one. Zionists ubber alles against President Donald Trump.

AND the President is now calling for the impeachment (technically, the expulsion) of the evil-doers in the House. A majority of Americans think Bidens should be investigated over Ukraine and China dealings.

INSIGHT: Tom Luongo in July 2018 defined President Trump as a center rightist leaning toward Libertarian, exposing the two-party tyranny.  Worth a read!

Is the economy strong or isn't it? The answer is both. The economy is not as strong as it should be given all of the President's promises (especially to the swing states where he won narrowly) BUT the President has multiple ways to radically enhance the economy between now and November 2020 and few of the media outlets owned by the Deep State are ready to acknowledge that reality.

INSIGHT: Whether intended or not, Tulsi Gabbard's denouncement of the DNC for trying to rig the  election sounds very much like positioning as cross-over candidate to replace Mike Pence as President Trump's Vice President. The real deal remains Dr. Cynthia McKinney, who would bring, along with blacks, the Greens, and #WalkAway and #BernieorBust.

FINAL NOTE: The President continues to lose the narrative battle on impeachment, on the Electoral College, on pulling out of Syria. Neither the GOP nor the White House have communicators that are good enough. The voters are IGNORANT or DISENGAGED. Only the President, combined with #UNRIG and an Open Source Agency with truth channel, can change that.

Budget Busters/Economy. 

Candidates. Elizabeth Warren should be but is not shining as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders collapse, the one to legitimate accusations of impeachable fraud the other to a heart attack. Warren's math does not hold up — she will destroy  the middle class — what little is left of it — while not raising the claimed revenue to fund the empty promises to the poor.

Weak signals: Warren is going to collapse on bad math and serial lies,

Weak signals: Hillary to run in 2020?  Seriously?  We do not make this shit up.

Demographics.  Whither swing voters? Are 1% in danger of total contempt? Danish study finds diversity is divisive.  Is Trump on to something that respects American reds, blacks, and whites while opposing multiculturalism as code for destroying the American community and its hard-fought values? New is the explosion of self-identified Independents — 40% of the eligible voters?

Down-Ticket Impact.

Election Reform/Electoral College. Supreme Court asked to hear case on faithless electors.

Fake News/Election Interference.

Impeachment/Investigations. The only reason the Democrats are “winning” on the impeachment narrative at this time is because the President does not have a competent national messaging team able to point out the obvious — the Obama-DoJ-FBI-CIA plot to overturn the election and then stage a post election coup, combined with the deep corruption demonstrated by Obama and Biden in relation to China and Ukraine while Clinton profited from the sale of her office to Saudi Arabia, France, and Russia — and the President is not yet ready to roll out his nuclear strike — the complete declassification of everything that proves the treason by the Obama White House and related government agencies, as well as the election and charity fraud by the Clintons. He seems conflicted on 9/11 disclosure and Epstein disclosure — both are inevitable. The Hill asks if we are entering an era of never-ending elections and never-ending impeachment and what this might mean for a future Democratic president. The White House letter against the fake impeachment process is compelling to anyone with a brain, but not being read by most citizens.

Issues. Warren is struggling to discuss issues, but totally insane on true costs. Everyone else is waffling.  The President is focusing on values but not offering a solution for what some call America's Political Implosion.

Technology. Demand for an alternative to Fox News and to #GoogleGestapo grows.

Voter Fraud/Ballot Fraud.

Zionist Influence on USA.


Big Picture.

Robert Steele: John Brennan Treason Update — Now Includes Steve Bannon, Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol and John Bolton

Betty Boop: Zionist Agents Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton Join Forces to Attack President Donald Trump

SGT Report: UK-GCHQ (+ Zionist) Obama Plan to Take Down Donald J. Trump

Trump flips tables on foes Pelosi, Schiff

Majority Of Americans Think Bidens Should Be Investigated Over Ukraine, China Dealings

Tom Luongo July 2018: Joker, Hitler, Burglar, Spy — The Four Stages of Trump

‘An existential political risk’: Trump manufactures a swing-state problem

SPECIAL: Is Tulsi Gabbard Positioning Herself to Be Donald Trump’s Vice President?

Elizabeth Warren Has 2020 Momentum. But These Bernie Sanders Supporters Say They'll Never Vote for Her—Even Against Trump

Voter mutiny: 60% want Electoral College abolished, Clinton and Gore would have won

Budget Busters/Economy.


Why Elizabeth Warren will fail to shine in her moment on the trail

Elizabeth Warren's Story About Getting Fired For Being “Visibly Pregnant” Unravels After Documents, Video Emerge

Willie Brown Stiffs Kamala Harris; Says Hillary Clinton The Only One Who Can Beat Trump

It’s ON: The deep state plot to install Hillary Clinton as PRESIDENT this year, bypassing elections altogether

Hillary Rockets Into 3rd Place On PredictIt As Rumors Swirl Over 2020 Run


Will swing voters who went from Obama to Trump stay loyal in 2020?

The Longer Elites Ignore Populist Outcries, the More They’ll Be Surprised

New Peer-Reviewed Danish Academic Study Finds Diversity Is Not A Strength

Will the Clintons Destroy the Democratic Party?

Down-Ticket Impact.

Election Reform/Electoral College.

Supreme Court asked to decide if Electoral College voters are bound to the state's winner

Fake News/Election Interference.


If Trump is impeached, Senate Republicans should simply vote to dismiss the case.

New poll further casts doubt on impeachment effort

If the House Won’t Vote, Impeachment Inquiry Is Just a Democratic Stunt

Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate efforts' to influence Trump's tax audit

How the impeachment inquiry could affect the 2020 US election

9 scenarios for how the Trump-Ukraine impeachment process could end

The Case Against Impeaching President Trump

Trump impeachment efforts will haunt the next Democrat in the White House

SPECIAL: White House Letter to Pelosi Documenting Democratic Treason in Detail (Full Text Online)

CIA “Whistleblower” Said To Have Worked With Biden When He Was VP

Trump Could Be Impeached Based On A Parade Of “Whistleblowers” That Won't Even Testify In Person

Rep. Jim Jordan Asks 17 Awkward Questions About Pelosi's “Impeachment Inquiry”


Donald Trump Presents: ‘Plotting Lovebirds' And The Search For ‘Loser' Hunter Biden

America's Political Implosion

Most Voters Agree With Trump's Withdrawal From ‘Endless Wars' 


Donald Trump Rails Against Fox News Poll; Says The Network “Doesn’t Deliver For US Anymore”

Robert Steele: If I Were President

Trump Triumph 4.0

Voter Fraud/Ballot Fraud.

Zionist Influence on USA.

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT DAVID STEELE is the founder of #UNRIG: Unity through Integrity (Election Reform Act Proposed). A former spy for the CIA and the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, he is  today the CeO of Earth Intelligence Network (501c3) and Open Source Everything, Inc. (C Corp). He focuses on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the public interest, not to be found within the US Government; on election reform; and on elite pedophilia as the scourge that has allowed the Zionists, using tools such as , to subvert the Congress, Executive, Judiciary, and media of the USA. Avocationally he in interested in off-shore sailing, racketball, and reading — he is the top reviewer in English for non-fiction, with over 2,000+ reviews posted across 97 categories of non-fiction (1 of fiction). His life’s work is free online at https://robertdavidsteele.com.

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