Google Dashboard: A Closer Look
Ian Paul, PC World
Nov 5, 2009 1:42 pm
Google showed Thursday it's getting more serious about privacy when it launched a tool called Google Dashboard that aims to give you more control over your personal data stored on Google's servers. From your Google Dashboard you can view the company's privacy policies, easily access your most recent activity for each Google service you use, and manage settings for those services.
Phi Beta Iota: Google has never provided privacy and it never well. Google Enterprise devices are Trojan Horses, and anything Google touches goes into the Google Cloud forevermore. This is why Phi Beta Iota believes that we must move to bottom-up clouds in which the individual and their device are both infrastructure-independent (localized clouds) and able to control all rules for content they create at the point of creation. John Chambers refuses to offer Application Oriented Network services in this fashion, so perhaps Nokia will steal a march on him and recognize that a cell phone CPU AON and Haggle would be totally cool and *very* disruptive.