Memo FYI. It is security theater that will simply end up withdrawing functionality from loyal employees who have hard jobs to do with computers. MA
Phi Beta Iota: This may be the most meaningless document we have seen in our history.
See Also from Same Source:
Journal: DoD, WikiLeaks, JCS, Security Ad Naseum…
Journal: Wikileaks Inspires Panetta, Raises Mouse Turd Count
Journal: US Intelligence versus WikiLeaks
Journal: Wikileaks, the US, the UN, & The Rule of Law
Journal: Traitor to Some, Hero to Others
Secrecy News Extract: DIA Seeks to Classify Reality
SECRECY NEWS: Over-Classification & Whistleblowers
Worth a Look: Secrecy as Fraud (2002)
Review: Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy
Review: Nation of Secrets–The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life
Reference: 1996 Testimony to Moynihan Commisson
Reference: 1996 Hill Testimony on Secrecy
1993 TESTIMONY on National Security Information