Bin Laden Show 34: Non-Event for Most Muslims

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making

The unimportance of bin Laden

tariq Tariq Ramadan

Guardian, Monday 9 May 2011
Muslim majority countries will soon no longer be defined by their relationships with the West

EXTRACT:  The elements of a new political philosophy defining the West's relationship with Islam and with the Muslims can only emerge from the crucible of the broad-based movement for justice, freedom, democracy and dignity now sweeping North Africa and the Middle East. The rebirth now underway in the East must be understood first as an appeal for critical self-examination by the West. Once the rejoicing at the elimination of bin Laden, the “symbol of the cancer of terrorism” is over, the West should move rapidly to review its regional policies.

Phi Beta Iota: The West continues to lie to itself at all levels.  Absent an honest strategic analytic model and a commitment to developing a mature approach to intelligence and policy that create non-zero solutions for a world that works for all, the West will continue to decline.

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