I picked this book up as a used library book, and should have spent time with it sooner. It was published in 1997. It is still relevant today. Although I list ten other related works below, I cannot find anything exactly like this, so if you have an interest in this area, this is still a valuable book.
The best thing I can say about this book is that I would value it's being brought up to date and re-issued. The next best thing is that I love the readable print and lay-out. This is NOT a “fine print” encyclopedia. Each page has two columns, entries run from very short to several two-column pages.
The authors made it a point to integrate a variety of reference sections including organizations, authors, and books related to conflict resolution. I should say that this encyclopedia covers “full spectrum” conflict resolution from domestic violence all the way to world war.
I treasure books, and many books today annoy me with their silly colors, gaudy covers, and very small print. This book is a “classic” in perfect form, a real pleasure to use. I would venture to say that if and when it is updated and re-issued, this 1997 version will still be of high value as a benchmark. Now that we are into everything from neuro-economic to neuro-pyschology, I don't imagine we are too far from neuro-peacekeeping based on transparency, truth, and trust (instead of secrets, lies, and violence).
See Also:
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, Three-Volume Set (v. 1-3)
The Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology
Encyclopedia of Peace Education (PB)
The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace: Four-volume set
These books I have reviewed, and I also provide at the end the words for finding my two master lists of book reviews I did in support of my last book as well as my next one.
Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny
The Tao of Democracy: Using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all
Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential
Society's Breakthrough!: Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People
Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution
My master lists (use any search engine):
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Positive)
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)