20120714 Open Source Everything Highlights

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Open Source Everything

TWITTER HASH: # openall


ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT

THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-Steele

THE PERSON: http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012

All Opens Below Line .  Also Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Updated throughout the day, closes at 2200 (10 pm) Eastern.


Crowd funding makes it easier for local artists

Despite successful crowd-funding campaign, Ouya gaming console could be doomed

OUYA and the Crowd-Funding Phenomenon: But Let the Buyer Beware! (YouTube)



Fortune 500 Crowdsourcing is a Force to be Reckoned With

Jennifer Lopez starts a new role: startup exec

Pendulo Studios crowdsourcing “satire with a conscience” Day One

Reddit Urges Employee to Quit Job, Collect Unemployment Benefits


CfA: Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, 17th-22nd September

FOSS / FLOSS / F/OSS / Libre

Does LibreOffice require Java?

Given that builders who actually provide open source software (free software) choose celebrity or perhaps attention within their computer programming

LibreOffice 3.5.5 Released

LibreOffice 3.5.5 released with numerous bug fixes

Re: Sponsoring features in F/OSS projects

Open Source (General)

Open source community collaboration strategies for the enterprise

Open Access

Predatory Open-Access Journals?

Publishing Assistant – Open Access

Push on to open Connecticut birth records to adult adoptees

Open Cloud

Open Cloud Computing at Research @ Intel Days 2012

Open Communication

Communication: Foundation Of A Successful Teleprospecting Relationship

Open Culture

Henry Rollins Remembers the Life-Changing Decision That Brought Him From Häagen-Dazs to Black Flag

Open Democracy

Committee for Open Democracy and Stepan Bandera: Media Monitoring Press Conference 7/13/12

Open Education

Open Education for a Global Economy

Open Governance / Open Government

Access to Information and Open Government Data

All independents aren't moderate

Foundation for Open Government (FOG_ accepting nominations

Open government at heart of budget cut

Open Hardware

Is the hardware open source?

SensLAB: very large scale open wireless sensor network testbed


Interactive TV News Round-Up (IV): Open IPTV Forum, PlayJam, Smartclip, Rentrak, Rovi

Open Knowledge

CfA: Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, 17th-22nd September

The Open Knowledge Foundation Newsletter April-June 2012

Open Manufacturing

Announce: CubeSpawn Ultimaker Module

Open Meetings

(Alabama) Council circumvents open meetings law in discussions with hotel developer

(Kentucky) Hooray for open records and government transparency – right?

(Tennessee) Building the Mosque: Religious Land Use vs. Open Meetings?

(Texas) Secret audit talks would set EPISD practice apart

Open Mobile

Open Mobile Alliance Holds Messaging Workshop

Open Records

(Iowa) Court issues ruling on UI records

(Pennsylvania) Our take: Penn State

Open Science

From aged PhD to aged Intern

Part Three: Welcome to Open Science (an introduction)

Science Wants to Be Open: If Only We Could Get Out of Its Way (Jonathan Eisen)

Open Security

One day, three deals, $150 million in open source funding

Open Society

Report Exposes Attempts at Voter Suppression

Open Software

German Parliament Considering the Future of Open Source Software

In-App Purchases Are Developer's “Proven Route” To Monetization

Major Open-Source ARM Announcement Coming

Optimizing your OSCON experience

Samsung Open Source Code for Epic and Skyrocket Models

The stealth success of PostgreSQL

True Cost

(Canada) Provincial News: Are the McGuinty Liberals hiding the true cost of cancelling the Mississauga gas plant?

(Pennsylvania) Charter expansions may cost Philadelphia schools $139 million

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Nominate other Opens to track: email to robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com.

Past Open Source Everything Highlights at Phi Beta Iota  (also http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL)



Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
