Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff 1.3

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

AL-QAIDA: Fallujah – a Backlash?

CULTURE: French “Quenelle” the Jews

CULTURE: Lone Survivor and the Lack of Truth

Simply put, we have become an incredibly lazy society.  We want to be spoon-fed historical facts in a movie or 30-second news clip.  There is little, if any, time spent doing independent research.  If a website posts absurd article about Obama taking away our guns half a dozen of my friends share it on their Facebook feed without checking into it at all.  Our ignorance is a cancer and it is spreading.

CYBER: Anonymous Caucasus, Electronic Army of the Caucasus Emirate

CYBER: Hacking the Hackers

CYBER: Red October Advanced Cyber Espionage Network Targetting Diplomatic and Government Agencies

LIFE: Big Data and Free Will

LIFE: See No Evil

LIFE: Universe is a Hologram Say Japanese Scientists

NSA: Blum on NSA Bank Account Manipulation

NDA: Bulk Collection Does Zero for Counter-Terrorism

NSA: Legalized Crime

NSA: Overhaul? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Overhaul

THREAT: The US Nuclear Complex

THREAT: UAE Seeks $150M in Training from USMC (and $1.1B Missile Defense System)

WAR: Tragedy in Uganda: Joseph Kony massacre survivors tell their stories

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