Eagle: Does White House Now Control Federal Reserve?
Inquiring mind asked this question. Here are some answers. 20200904 All the ways a president can (and can’t) influence the Federal Reserve 20191125: Trump Takes Control of the Federal Reserve 20180705 The Fed Is Usually Off-Limits to the President. Is Trump Changing That? Wikipedia: The Federal Reserve Act
Ellen Brown: Crushing the States, Saving the Banks — Is Donald Trump’s Federal Reserve Still Serving the Deep State?
Crushing the States, Saving the Banks: the Fed’s Generous New Rules CounterPunch, 4 May 2020 Congress seems to be at war with the states. Only $150 billion of its nearly $3 trillion coronavirus relief package – a mere 5% – has been allocated to the 50 states; and they are not allowed to use it …
G. Edward Griffin with Michelle Holiday: Truth Exposed – The End of the Dollar, the End of the Federal Reserve?
Mongoose: Full Disclosure is Inevitable — Upgrading Storming of Area 51 (and Federal Reserve) to Possible UPDATE 4 — To Be Discussed at August Disclosure Conference
Half a million people pledge to storm Area 51 to ‘see them aliens’ ‘Ready to protect US & its assets’: Military warns 750k+ alien hunters NOT to storm Area 51
Wayne Jetts: Federal Reserve is America’s Largest Debtor – President Donald Trump Should Hold Them Accountable (Nationize the Fed but Do NOT Nationalize their Debt)
AMERICA’S LARGEST DEBTOR: THE FED Do NOT Nationalize FED Debts! Finally, after more than a century, Americans have installed a truly reform (some say revolutionary) administration in Washington to restore constitutional government. Urgently needed reforms include return to equal justice under law with full respect for the Bill of Rights, and return to sound money. …
Zero Hedge: Judy Shelton (Sound Money Gold Advocate) to Federal Reserve? Robert Steele: Global Currency Reset This Week & Next?
Judy Shelton, Trump’s Next Fed Choice, Favors A Gold Standard And Free Trade Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Economist Judy Shelton, a Trump economic advisor and a gold standard advocate is rumored to be Trump’s next Fed pick. Bloomberg reports White House Considers Economist Judy Shelton for Fed Board The White House is considering conservative …