Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras

Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Information Operation (IO) Eras
Information Operation (IO) Eras

Col Dr. Max Manwaring defined the first six generations of warfare, Robert Steele converted those to information operaitons (IO) eras, and added the 7th era, which is easiy to achieve with leadership integrity, virtually impossible to achieve as long as any government persists in retaining legacy systems that are stovepipes within stovepipes surrounded by security and legal and personality strait-jackets from earlier eras and totally ignorant of modern possibilities.

Graphic: Integrity in All Respects

Advanced Cyber/IO, Leadership-Integrity
Click to Enlarge

The lack of leadership integrity, combined with the information asymmetries and data pathologies that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is culturally and intellectually unable to address, leave the U.S. Government operating on 2% of the relevant information, providing the President with 4%, “at best” according to General Tony Zinni, USMC (Ret) of what he needs, and providing nothing of substantive value to all of the other Cabinet officers, all of the Action Offices from Assistant Secretary on down, and all of the Congressional jurisdictions.

The USA is a “stupid nation” rather than a “smart nation,” and that can be easily fixed with just one word: INTEGRITY.

Graphic: Global Range of Nano-Needs

Advanced Cyber/IO, Africa, Analysis, Citizen-Centered, ICT-IT, Innovation, Policies-Harmonization, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Global Range of Nano-Needs
Global Range of Nano-Needs

This is the original implementation vision graphic for the Earth Intelligence Network (EIN), such that needs at the individual and household level can be “called in” via Rapid SMS with geospatial coordinates, then clustered, then acted upon by individual or combinations of individual or organizational donors.

We can do this today, all we lack is leadership.