Amazon Kindle: Three Amigos: Xi, Putin, & Trump for Life?: What If We Could Bury the Deep State & Create Peace & Prosperity for All? (Trump Revolution Book 26)

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Steele, Robert. Three Amigos: Xi, Putin, & Trump for Life?: What If We Could Bury the Deep State & Create Peace & Prosperity for All? (Trump Revolution Book 26). Amazon Kindle, Earth Intelligence Network, March 25, 2018.

President Trump is probably pursuing a Grand Entente with General Secretary Xi and President Putin that is not understood by anyone, least of by his Cabinet Secretaries and all other putative leaders and senior bureaucrats in the West. I do believe those in charge of the Deep State – the Chabad Supremacist cult, the Vatican, and the Rothchilds – understand that this triumvirate, if it can sustain itself, is invincible. They will try very hard in the next year to break the triumvirate, starting with efforts to destroy President Trump in the 2018 elections intended to lead to his impeachment and his replacement by a Deep State favorite, Vice President Mike Pence.

It is in this light that we must condemn every person who criticized President Trump for congratulating President Putin on his re-election (or more privately, General Secretary Xi on his Constitutional mandate). Such individuals range from sheer idiots to absolute traitors, and none of them are committed to peace or prosperity to all, only to war and waste benefitting the 1% managing the Deep State.

Three leaders recognizing ten threats and coordinating twelve policies = one century of peace.

Trump Revolution Series at Amazon

Robert Steele: Xi, Putin, & Trump For Life – A Few Thoughts – What If We Could Bury the Deep State & Create Peace & Prosperity for All? (Trump Revolution 26)

Articles & Chapters
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Xi, Putin, & Trump For Life – A Few Thoughts

What If We Could Bury the Deep State & Create Peace & Prosperity for All?

Robert David Steele

American Herald Tribune

22 March 2018

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