Event: 13 May 2014 Spy Museum Why Intelligence Fails — Dr. Milo Jones on New Book, Constructing Cassandra: Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947–2001

Dr. Milo Jones
Dr. Milo Jones

Why Intelligence Fails

SPY MUSEUM, Washington DC

Tickets: $10 Members of the Inner Circle: $8

“What you’re surprised with depends on who you are…” –Philippe Silberzahn

Who lives in caves, only holy men or primitive cavemen? Dr. Milo Jones, visiting professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, thinks that the answer to that question helps explain the intelligence failure of 9/11. He comes to the International Spy Museum to argue that the CIA’s repeated intelligence failures are a result of the fact that the CIA thinks that intelligence analysis is science while it is really a social process in which identity and culture play a major role.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Also joining us for the evening will be Dr. Mark Lowenthal, CEO of the Intelligence and Security Academy and former assistant director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production. He will engage with Dr. Jones on the provocative conclusions of the book Constructing Cassandra: Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947–2001, that Jones co-authored with Philippe Silberzahn of EMLYON Business School in France.

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One Review of the Book:

Uniquely Revealing and Sobering By MHT in NE Moscow on September 17, 2013

It's hard to overstate how useful this book is in explaining why the enormous resources the United States has put into intelligence gathering and analysis have so often yielded so little – and actually yielded the reverse of what was necessary, worse yet, in specific cases where available “Cassandra” sources could have guided American analysts (and were trying to) in directions that might well have saved us four costly “strategic surprises.”

The case of a Russian Cassandra, the late Soviet émigré economist Igor Birman, offers an example of institutional analytical failure that was both unfortunate for American interests and saddening for people who knew the principal: Birman was a difficult man telling inconvenient truths about the state of the Soviet economy and the society around it; “Constructing Cassandra” does an excellent job of dispassionately demonstrating why the real intelligence and reasoned projections he had to offer were downplayed and/or dismissed – a mistake for which we paid in 1991 and, in very real ways, continue to pay today.

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Event: 1 June Deadline Call for Papers Intelligence Studies Section International Studies Association

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Phi Beta Iota: This would be a good year to begin begin serious about public intelligence (decision-support) and the necessarily deep integration of education, intelligence, and research, when a Smart Nation is created  through the proper development of M4IS2 and OSE. We strongly encourage prospective presenters from across the eigth tribes and the four domains, confident that the program chairs are well-intentioned open-minded individuals.

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This is the call for papers/panels for the Intelligence Studies Section (ISS) at the 56th annual International Studies Association (ISA) convention, held in New Orleans, LA on 18-21 February 2015. The overall theme for the conference is: “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies.” Please note that the deadline for submission of paper and panel proposals is 1 June 2014. Full details on the ISA2015 conference is available here: http://www.isanet.org/Conferences/NewOrleans2015.aspx

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Click on Image to Enlarge

The Intelligence Studies Section, one of 28 sections within ISA, is a primary venue for presenting new intelligence studies research and scholarship. What distinguishes ISS from other sections at ISA (such as the International Security Studies Section or the Foreign Policy Analysis Section) is its focus on the study of intelligence in all its forms, functions and activities. The full list of ISA sections and their descriptions is here: http://www.isanet.org/ISA/Sections.aspx with more information on the Intelligence Studies Section here: http://www.isanet.org/ISA/Sections/ISS.aspx

Proposals for intelligence-related papers or panels for ISA 2015 can cover any aspect of the debates and issues within contemporary intelligence studies. A wide range of topics and issues are covered each year, as illustrated through the papers presented at ISA in 2014:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/192200340/Intelligence-Studies-Section-Program-at-ISA-2014

Continue reading “Event: 1 June Deadline Call for Papers Intelligence Studies Section International Studies Association”

Event: 30-31 May 2014 George Mason University Transparency Camp


TransparencyCamp 2014: Friday May 30– Saturday May 31 at George Mason University Arlington Campus

TransparencyCamp is an “unconference” for opengov, an event where, every year hundreds of people gather to share their knowledge about how to use new technologies and policies to make our government really work for the people—and to help people work smarter with our government.

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Event: 24 July Online 1830-2130 UK Time Brown Mosen on How to Be a Citizen Journalist

Eliot Higgins
Eliot Higgins

How to be a citizen journalist with Brown Moses

Eliot Higgins, of renowned blog Brown Moses, shows you how to use social media to find major stories from around the world

Date: Thursday 24 July 2014

Citizen journalists are outperforming the mainstream media, breaking new ground and untouchable stories in countries such as China, Kenya and Brazil. But thanks to the vast repositories of video footage, satellite images and eyewitness reports posted on social media, anyone with an internet connection can report from the world's most dangerous territories without setting foot in them. Founder of the famous Brown Moses blog, Eliot Higgins research into the Syrian conflict has inspired questions in parliament, major stories in the Guardian and New York Times, and praise from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

During this large-scale seminar, Eliot reveals the tools and techniques for tracking down sources of new footage and information, verifying facts, spotting fakes and accurately geolocating material. He also offers tips on how to use multiple sources to build up a comprehensive picture of on-the-ground realities.

This course offers a unique opportunity to learn from a recognised pioneer in the field, whose work at the vanguard of social media forensics is prized by news outlets, NGOs and governments alike.

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Hackers on Planet Earth: Focus on Dissent – Final Call for Speaker Submissions

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Click on Image to Enlarge

We continue to make progress on this summer's HOPE-X conference. Please take a look at our brand new website, viewable at http://x.hope.net or http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. The theme is dissent, a theme that rings true for the whistleblowers, security watchdogs, hackers, activists, and journalists that all have something to say and to share with the community.

Please have a look around the site as it also serves to answer just about any question or concern you might have about HOPE-X.

Our speaker submission deadline has been set for April 30. If you have an idea for a talk or panel, please email speakers@hope.net with details (the guidelines for this are at http://x.hope.net/speakers.html) by that date. (Talks don't have to have a dissent theme; this is simply an overall theme for the conference and for what many of us are doing.)

HOPE X will be held July 18-20, 2014 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. You can get your tickets at http://store.2600.com/hopextickets.html. For the month of April, we're donating ten percent of our ticket sales to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

To get amazingly discounted hotel rooms during the conference, visit tinyurl.com/hope-x-rooms.

To get involved with conference planning, submit talk/panel ideas, organize a special project, or volunteer for various HOPE activities, visit x.hope.net.

Please follow us on Twitter (@hopex) and help us to spread the word in any way you can. As more people buy advance tickets, our flexibility in what we can do increases substantially.

Event: 24-25 June 2014 Rosslyn VA Next Generation Intelligence & Reconnaissance


Technology Training Corporation has announced their spring 2014 symposium on:

“Next Generation Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance”

Dates: June 24-25, 2014 at the Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge in Arlington, VA,
1900 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, VA 22209 (703-807-2000)

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Event: 11 April Amsterdam – The World in 50 Years, a Foresight Exercise


An Interesting Afternoon – The world in 50 years and how do we get there?

April 11 @ 1:00 pm6:00 pm [Amsterdam]

We are happy to announce this event which is all about future studies. We bring together state-of-the-art future studies and projects, futurist thinkers and book authors. If you are into future studies, this event will help you absorbe all the latest knowledge of how futurists see the future. Also, the event is a great network opportunity to meet professionals of various backgrounds interested in future studies, strategy, scenario planning and trend research.

The afternoon starts by sharing state-of-the-art projects, including Horizonscan 2050 and the Harvard ‘World 50.0‘ Project. We have an interactive session on developing the practices of the futurist. And we will spent the second half of the event looking at how we can get to the future, using the lenses of culture, startegy and tactics.

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