Phi Beta Iota: If integrity is lacking in any part of this process, it corrupts the entire nested cycle. It merits mention that shortfalls in integrity have cumulative compound negatives. They add up to the point that the entire process is so corrupt it leads to otherwise avoidable catastrophic failures.
Graphic: Diversity–28 Aspects
Citizen-Centered, Multinational Plus, TribesGraphic: Collective Intelligence Application Framework
Analysis, Citizen-Centered, Collection, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Tribes, True Cost- here is a 5.7MB png file or here a 0.8MB pdf file
- here as a zoomable version using the gmaps engine (handle gently, it seems to stop working if handled roughly):
- and based on feedback on readability i made a 13 A4-paper version as well
Tip of the Hat to Benjamin Aaron Degenhart.