Matt Ehret: Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War

Over the past weeks, a surge in slanderous, and often conjectural stories of Chinese subversion has repeatedly been fed to a gullible western audience desperate for an enemy image to attach to their realization that an obvious long-term conspiracy has been unleashed to destroy their lives. While the left has been fed with propaganda designed to convince them that this enemy has taken the form of the Kremlin, the conservative consumers of media have been fed with the narrative that the enemy is China.

The reality is that both Russia and China together have a bond of principled survival upon which the entire multipolar order is based. It is this alliance which the actual controllers of today’s empire wish to both destroy and ensure no western nation joins… especially not the USA.

Read full article.

Robert Steele: Was the SuperBowl Rigged as Well as Luciferian?

Cultural Intelligence

I tuned out most of the SuperBowl for the following reasons:

The NFL has clearly lost its integrity in both wearing masks and playing games in empty stadiums — next up we cancel human games and tell everyone  that Fantasy Football is as real as it gets.

The game  reeked of being rigged — the Kansas City Chiefs are just not that bad and the Tampa Bay Bucaneers, even with Brady and a couple of his match-ups are just not that good.

The advertising and the halftime show were as sick and stupid as any I have ever seen — below are two links that suggest others agree with me.

State of the Nation: Patriots v. Buccaneers: The Real ‘Super Bowl’ & Radioactive Back Story No One Is Talking About


Matt Ehret: Who Is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare [By the UK and Israel Against the USA]

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? (An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare)

Amidst the surge of anti-China media psy ops published across Five Eyes nations, countless patriots of a conservative bent have found themselves absorbed into a red-scare manic hysteria while forgetting that the actual causal hand of British Intelligence has been caught blatantly running the overthrow of nation states for decades (including the 2016-2020 to run regime change within the USA itself).

Continue reading “Matt Ehret: Who Is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare [By the UK and Israel Against the USA]”

James Fetzer: AP, Space lasers to 9/11 conspiracies: A glance at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s incendiary words–and how we know she’s right!

Cultural Intelligence

AP, Space lasers to 9/11 conspiracies: A glance at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s incendiary words–and how we know she’s right!

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Debunking the AP: Fake News about Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)

[Editor’s note: Democrats are so scared of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that they have taken the unprecedented step of stripping her of her committee assignments, the first time the majority party in the House has interfered with the minority party’s rights and privileges, which reinforces the point that they are the undemocratic party, better renamed “The Party of Despotism”.