Contributing Editor: Robert Morrow

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Robert Morrow
Robert Morrow

I was born in Tuscaloosa, AL in 1964. I have a BA in American History from Princeton University in 1987 and an MBA, specializing in real estate, from the University of Texas in 1990. I welcome both phone and email contact regarding the JFK assassination ( 512-306-1510  and

I am a self-employed investor and political researcher who lives in Austin, TX. I have 200+ books relating to the JFK assassination. I have not read them all, but I have read the best ones and skimmed the others. I am always willing to learn more and I am always willing to change my mind. I have a long term interest in history and politics. My US presidential voting record is for Mondale 1984, Dukakis 1988, Andre Marrou (Libertarian) 1992, Dole 1996, Bush 2000, Bush 2004, McCain 2008, Gary Johnson 2012. In 2008 and 2012 I was an ardent volunteer for Ron Paul in the Republican primary. At heart I am a libertarian Ron Paul Republican. I am a 3-time delegate to the Texas state Republican convention (2006-2010). In the near future I will be voting Libertarian in most races.

As for my views on the JFK assassination, I currently think that Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy for many reasons both personal and ideological.

Blog About 1963 Coup d'Etat, also known as the JFK assassination

Contributing Editor John Marke

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John Marke

John Marke is writer/consultant, formerly the senior risk expert at Deloitte’s Federal Practice and an advisor to a Presidential candidate on terrorism.  He is one of the country’s leading authorities on risk, complexity and resilience, and also contributes on asymmetrical warfare and transnational threats.  His clients include The White House, DHS, USJFORCOM, USC’s Center for Risk & Economic Analysis of Terrorism, PriceWaterhouse, and Harvard University.  John was a paratrooper and Marine before a disabling injury.  He later served as a Naval Cryptologist and Intelligence Officer.

Structured Hits

His Blog

Contributing Editor: Winslow Wheeler

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Winslow Wheeler

Winslow Wheeler is the Director of the Straus Military Reform Project of the Center for Defense Information in Washington, DC.  He has authored two books: The Wastrels of Defense (US Naval Institute Press) about Congress and national security, and Military Reform (Greenwood Publishers) on the serious, fundamental problems that currently face America’s defenses.  He released a new anthology (America’s Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress) after the presidential elections to help guide the new president out of the national security mess that Republicans and Democrats have jointly created in Washington.

From 1971 to 2002, Wheeler worked on national security issues for members of the U.S. Senate and for the US Government Accountability Office (GAO).  In the Senate, Wheeler advised Jacob K. Javits (R. NY), Nancy L. Kassebaum (R, KS), David Pryor (D, AR), and Pete V. Domenici (R, NM).  He was the first, and according to Senate records the last, Senate staffer to work simultaneously on the personal staffs of a Republican and a Democrat (Pryor and Kassebaum).

In the Senate staff, Wheeler was heavily involved in legislating the War Powers Act, Pentagon reform legislation, arms control and foreign policy, and oversight of the defense budget and weapons programs.

At GAO, he directed comprehensive studies on the 1991 Gulf War air campaign, the US strategic nuclear triad, and Pentagon weapons testing.  Each of these studies found prevailing conventional wisdom about weapons to be badly misinformed.

In 2002 when he worked on the Republican staff of the Senate Budget Committee, Wheeler authored an essay, under the pseudonym “Spartacus,” addressing Congress' reaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (“Mr. Smith Is Dead: No One Stands in the Way as Congress Lards Post-September 11 Defense Bills with Pork”).  When senators criticized in the essay attempted to have Wheeler fired, he resigned his position.

Wheeler joined the Center for Defense Information immediately after leaving Capitol Hill.

Contributing Editor: Lucius

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From the original Planet of the Apes movie. Lucius is the Zira's socially-rebellious nephew to whom Taylor tells “to keep the flags of discontent flying”


Taylor: The flags of discontent. Remember, never trust anybody over thirty.

Lucius by day works for an international organization on security issues. Since 2001 he has been a Linux and Open Source software user. He has also been involved in the Barcamp and Hackerspace movements.

Contributing Editor John Steiner

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John Steiner

John Steiner, Harvard class of ’65, is a networker, organizer, and philanthropist. He brings together people, projects, ideas and money around a common cause – serving “the pattern that connects.” He co-founded the National Commons, a predecessor to the United States Consensus Council, to bring multi-stakeholder, collaborative problem solving tools to the national level. He was a founding board member of Search for Common Ground; a founding member and early leader of the Threshold Foundation; and a founding member of the Social Venture Network. He is a former chairman of the board of CDR Associates (Center for Dispute Resolution). Currently he is the acting chairman of the board of the transpartisan initiative, Reuniting America. He works closely with Robert Fuller and the DIGNITY movement. He is also working with other philanthropists and social entrepreneurs to raise large sums of money for the peace and security field. John lives with his wife Margo King in Boulder, Colorado, where they serve as trustees of the Steiner King Foundation, which is active in a variety of creative philanthropic endeavors.

Contributing Editor: Venessa Miemis

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Venessa Miemis
Structured Web Hits

Venessa Miemis is a futurist and digital ethnographer, researching the impacts of social technologies on society and culture and designing systems to facilitate innovation and the evolution of consciousness. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Media Studies at the New School in NYC.

She is the principal organizer with Doug Rushkoff of CONTACT, a new event.

Contributing Editor: Defense Dog (DefDog)

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Defense Dog (DefDog) is under very deep cover, and to all outward appearances is the perfect Pentagon Staff Officer–creased uniform changed daily, shaves twice a day if necessary, and always has a piece of candy for the boss.  We regret we cannot tell you more about this stalwart defense of freedom and the American Way of War.