Robin Good: Digital Archiving Crib — Best Practices

IO Tools
Robin Good
Robin Good

John Bell, web developer, PhD student and lecturer at the University of Maine has published a useful cheat sheet synthesizing the best file formats to work with, provide access to, and to permanently archive digital artworks. The visual guide provides archival file format references for text, audio, video and image contents as well as suggestions for ideal formats to use also for both working and for providing accessing to such digital contents. Useful. Handy. Informative. 8/10 Original article: Cheat Sheet (PDF):

Robin Good: 13 Sense-Making Approaches to Add Value to Information

IO Tools
Robin Good
Robin Good

According to Harold Jarche, knowledge is an emergent property of all sense-making activities.

Curation and PKM (personal knowledge management) have the same objective: helping oneself and others gain more understanding about whatever we are interested in. The only difference between the two is that curation devotes itself to satisfy the knowledge needs of an audience while the second addresses these at a personal level.

But what are sense-making activites about?

Harold Jarche draws on Ross Dawson's five ways of adding value to information as well as on Nancy Dixon examination Rob Cross and Lee Sproull examination of tacit knowledge sharing practices inside large organizations to identify at least eight individual approaches to sense-making or adding more value to existing information.

These include:

  1. Validating
  2. Synthesizing
  3. Presenting
  4. Customizing
  5. Answering
  6. Meta-informing
  7. Reformulating
  8. Legitimizing
    to which I would personally add:
  9. Comparing
  10. Finding related items
  11. Illustrating – Visualizing
  12. Evaluating
  13. Crediting and attributing

It is indeed around identifying and becoming aware of these specific aspects of our sense-making activities that we can improve and augment our capability to learn and to effectively curate information for others.

Thoughtful. Inspiring. 8/10

Original post:

Stephen E. Arnold: Good-Bye (Corrupt) Google, Hello (Honest)

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Tools
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Seeing What Is in a Laundry List of Search Results

In late October I will be delivering a webinar version of my lecture “What to Do When Google Doesn’t Answer Your Question.” The webinar is at this time not open to the public. My topic is that free Web search engines offer useful information. Most people have neither the time nor tools to pinpoint the item which provides significant insight or a useful fact; for example, a relationship between two people or a phone number of a person associated with a subject like the Muslim Brotherhood.

You may be one of the hundreds of millions of Bing or Google searchers who uses the results lists as they are presented. I have no desire to argue with anyone about relevance, precision, and recall. The reason is that modern technology makes ad-supported search results the Great Destroyer of objective information retrieval measures. In short, precision and recall are dead. Too bad. I miss them. Nevertheless, useful information is in the public and open source indexes. The problem is finding useful information.

One of the topics in the 2.5 hour lecture at the ISS World Conference for intelligence and law enforcement professionals elicited quite a bit of post-presentation discussion. The interest in the topic fueled the upcoming webinar.

I want to highlight one service I described at ISS World and will touch upon in the webinar in late October 2013.

The system is, a service of Sprylogics. Sprylogics is a Canadian outfit originally set up by a former military officer. To follow along with this example, point your browser to

Here are the steps I followed on October 8, 2013. Because content in public Web indexes changes, your results will differ. Also, is a metasearch engine. The system sends a query to a public Web index and then processes the results. The Sprylogics’ technology extracts entities, performs relationship analyses, and formats results in a laundry list and graphic reports. Remember, at this time is available without charge.

Here’s what I just did via the system:

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Good-Bye (Corrupt) Google, Hello (Honest)”

Robin Good: Online Fact Checking with Verification Junkie

IO Tools
Robin Good
Robin Good

Verification Junkie is an excellent free online resource curating the most relevant tools for fact-checking and verification of online content. “A growing directory of tools for verifying, fact checking and assessing the validity of social media and user generated content.” For each tool collected, Josh Stearns has provided a detailed description, and relevant links. My comment: Verification Junkie is a great resource I would recommend to anyone writing or publishing online as well as a great example of an effective curated tools collection. Excellent resource. A must go to for online journalists. 8/10


See also:

Nick Peachy: ActiveTextbook | Interactive Textbook Software from Evident Point

IO Tools
Nick Peachy
Nick Peachy

This looks like a great tool  for creating interaction and adding multimedia to PDF content. Free for materials up to 500 page.

ActiveTextbook | Interactive Textbook Software from Evident Point

Turn your vision into reality by creating your own version of an existing PDF or textbook. Give it a dynamic touch, jot down notes, add video/audio clips, and discuss materials with your readers within your interactive content. Use Active Textbook to learn, teach or simply share your documents online – it's easy!

Phi Beta Iota:  This has huge potential for “just in time” education and for the advancement of Standard Operating Procedures and all forms of organizational handbooks, manuals, regulations, etcetera.