Off-Beat Fun: Top Five Funniest Political Videos in USA
Offbeat Fun, YouTubeFounder, Gotcha Media
Posted: December 19, 2010 07:15 PM
Huffington Post
The Top 5 Funniest Political Comedy Videos of 2010 (VIDEOS)
Last week, we looked at the top 5 funniest comedy TV shows of 2010 and the best clips from those shows. This week, we turn our attention to funniest political videos of the year, made exclusively for the web.
#1 Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech
#4 PALINCEPTION Parody Trailer
#5 The Tea Party and the Circus — Final Healthcare Protest
This stuff is SO GOOD it actually took us a while to realize this was satire at its finest. There is hope for America–we just need to achieve Electoral Reform so we can put the Onion in the White House.
YouTube Pilots vs. Intelligence Officers [Competing Self-Portraits] FIXED
Offbeat Fun, Officers Call, YouTubeTutorial: How Not to Get a Good [Air Force] OER
Offbeat Fun, Officers CallReaders on this list who have served in the military should really watch this summary of how get a good officer efficiency report (aka officer proficiency report, etc.).
Above is a YouTube Video 3:13.
The 47 comments are themselves worthy of attention.
Offbeat Fun: Jon Stewart Nails Glen Beck
Offbeat FunStewart Impersonates Glenn Beck To Debunk His George Soros Conspiracy Theory (VIDEO)
Two clips. Perhaps the funniest footage in the English language on a very serious topic.
Homemade Spacecraft w/Camera + iPhone Attached Records Blackness of Space
Mobile, Offbeat FunThe Brooklyn Space Program is a organization formed by a group of friends in New York City interested in scientific experiments, engineering, design and education.
See this video from a camera attached to a weather balloon that rose into the upper stratosphere and recorded the blackness of space.
Offbeat Fun: Ballon Festival
Offbeat FunTip of the Hat to Sharon Filadelfia at Facebook.