Continue reading “Mongoose: CIA MKULTRA Mind-Control Meets 5G in Next Generation of Cell Phones”
Robert Steele: Congressional Research Service (CRS) is Lying to Congress on 5G – Rebuttal from Mark Steele (No Relation, Genius on 5G)
03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Mobile, Officers Call
Fifth-Generation (5G) Telecommunications Technologies: Issues for Congress, January 30, 2019
ROBERT STEELE: CRS means well, but its analysts are handicapped and often ignorant. In this instance, this report is full of lies. It paints the best possible picture on 5G while lying by omission. It fails to discuss the weaponization of 5G and the utter atrocity of subjecting living beings to 5G.
See Also: 5G @ Phi Beta Iota
Rebuttal by Mark Steele, Compelling Graphic Below the Fold.
Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Leapfrog Technologies
05 Energy, Advanced Cyber/IO, Mobile
How Developing Nations Can Leapfrog Developed Countries with the Sharing Economy
Electricity is now coming to remote areas in Africa, which never before had access to a centralized power grid. Not surprisingly, the introduction of cell phones has helped precipitate the development of a nascent Third Industrial Revolution infrastructure. Virtually overnight, millions of Africa's rural households have scraped together enough money — from selling an animal or surplus crops — to purchase a cell phone. The phones are used as much for carrying on commercial activity as for personal communications. In rural areas, far removed from urban banking facilities, people are increasingly relying on cell phones to facilitate small money transfers. The problem is that without access to electricity, cell phone users often have to travel on foot to get to a town with electricity in order to recharge their phones. A single solar panel affixed on the tin roof of a rural hut would provide enough electricity to not only charge the cell phone but also power electric lights.
Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Leapfrog Technologies”
Berto Jongman: Citizens in Brazil Take Over Their Story
01 Brazil, 01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Media, MobileHow social media gives new voice to Brazil's protests
Street protests continue to rock Brazil and, frustrated by mainstream media coverage, a new group of citizen journalists is using digital tools to tell a different side of the story
But the battles are not just being waged on the street. Angered by what they see as a misrepresentation of the issues by traditional media, new independent media collectives and networks have emerged over the past year. Armed with smartphones, digital cameras, and apps such as Twitcasting and Twitcam that allow them to broadcast live online, they are presenting their own version of events. Some of them are reaching a huge audience across the country and are now looking to expand their reach internationally.
One such group is the Mídia Ninja, a self-styled loose collective of citizen journalists, which first emerged during last summer's protests. They are keen to present an alternative narrative to the mainstream media by reporting live from the frontline.
Owl: Autonomous Internet First Step – Android Unleashed
Autonomous Internet, Liberation Technology, Mobile
Now owners of Android phones can connect to each other without an internet connection thanks to Serval Mesh app
Serval Mesh, full mesh darknet, quietly released for Android
“You set up your phone, I set up my phone, it connects them directly, so no infrastructure is needed. It can also relay calls, so if you can get a connection to bob and I can get a connection to bob, we can both talk even though we can't get a connection directly to each other.”
Serval Project
“Serval is revolutionary, free, open-source software under development for mobile telephones, letting them communicate even in the absence of phone towers and other supporting infrastructure.”
Serval Android App page
“So with using your existing number, and not requiring Internet Access, our software is making the best of what you have, whether in a disaster or emergency situation, or where poor economies or regional & location restrictions can mean zero infrastructure, we enable communication using just existing mobile phones. Our software is :
Continue reading “Owl: Autonomous Internet First Step – Android Unleashed”
Yoda: Ten Ways Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education
04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Liberation Technology, Mobile
10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education
Fabio Sergio, FastCodeDesign, 20 December 2012
LIST ONLY — Read full article.
1. Continuous learning
2. Educational leap-frogging
3. A new crop of older life-long learners and educators
4. Breaking gender boundaries, reducing physical burdens
5. A new literacy emerges: software literacy
6. Education's long tail
7. Teachers and pupils trade roles
8. Synergies with mobile banking and mobile health initiatives
9. New opportunities for tradtional educational institutions
10. A revolution leading to customized education
Phi Beta Iota: Entire article strongly recommended. We would have added “just enough, just in time learning” but find the over-all list compelling.
Mini-Me: Do-It-Yourself Cell Phones – A Tipping Point for Humanity
Advanced Cyber/IO, Hardware, Liberation Technology, Mobile
Open-Source Phone Pushes The Boundaries Of DIY Tech
Tired of high cost mobile phones? Feel guilty that while you’ve got a paper thin phone, it’s hard to recycle elements are destroying the planet ? Turns out, you don’t need Samsung or LG to stay in touch with those you love.
David A. Mellis, from MITs High-Low Tech group, has created a DIY mobile phone out of easily obtained electronic parts and a little bit of plywood. It may not have the internet connectivity or giant touchscreen of your current mobile phone, but it’s a completely self-made, operational phone, which means it’s low impact and free from the constraints of mass production.

According to Mellis, the initial prototype combines a custom electronic circuit board with a laser-cut plywood and veneer enclosure. The phone accepts a standard SIM card and works with any GSM provider. Cellular connectivity is provided by the SM5100B GSM Module, available from SparkFun Electronics. The display may only be about 1.8″ across, but it does offer color images. Currently, the software supports voice calls, but the folks at High-Low Tech say SMS and other functionality could be added with the same hardware. Altogether the prototype contains about $150 in parts.

“By creating and sharing open-source designs for the phone’s circuit board and case, we hope to encourage a proliferation of personalized and diverse mobile phones,” say the designers. Want to give it a try? The source code, circuit design files (Eagle), and case design files (Inkscape) are hosted in the damellis/cellphone repository on GitHub.
Phi Beta Iota: Combined with OpenBTS and Open Spectrum, this puts the stake in the heart of both governments and corporations seeking to create scarcity instead of infinite access.
See Also: