Search: david petraeus favorite mushroom steele


Rule 1 on this site is never include steele in any search.  He's all over every item, and we did not list his name in the tags because it would have reduced everyone else to very fine print.  Without steele the search is successful and produced below, wherein you will find the book you are looking for.

Reference: Human Terrain Team (HTT) Round Two

See also:

Journal: Anthropology 101–Not Being Listened To

Review: Anthropologists in the Public Sphere–Speaking Out on War, Peace, and American Power

Review: Anthropological Intelligence–The Deployment and Neglect of American Anthropology in the Second World War

Reference: Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan

Worth a Look: Key Leader Engagement

Journal: Human Terrain Team (HTT) Project Now Dabbling in Propaganda

2009 Defense Science Board Report on Understanding Human Dynamics

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

Review: Charm Offensive–How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World

Search: world map with conflict marked other maps

Geospatial, Searches

Thanks for this search.  The map you want is the first one.  We decided to go ahead and list all the other maps we found along the way.

2002 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2001/2002

2001 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map

Graphic: Simplified World Conflict Map

Search: world map with 8 conflicts

Search: caliphate variant 100-year war

Search: piracy chart

Graphic: American Jihad Nodes

Graphic: China-Centered View of the World

Journal: Experimental Cultural Geography

Graphic: Robert Steele Adopts Buckminster Fuller

Reference: Map of Multilateral Peace Operation Deployments

Journal: Kansas State Team has Mapped the “Seven Deadly Sins” of America

Search: free intelligence training

Handbook Elements, Searches

Great search, although this entire site is free intelligence training, your search made us realize there needs to be a single starting point.  This is it.

Starting Points:

Search: United Nations Intelligence Training

2000-2002 NATO OSINT Handbooks

1998 Open Source Intelligence Executive Overview (Handbook)

Search: scope triangle


Very interesting.  Below are a couple of links to top pieces on the scope triangle, search appreciated.

Reference Online

A Project Management Primer: Basic Principles – Scope Triangle

Reference Online

The “Broken Iron Triangle” Software Development Anti-pattern

Phi Beta Iota: The Scope Triangle  is desperately out of date.    The two new major factors are first: the role that intelligence (decision-support) can play in what we have called since the 1990's “Information Arbitrage,” which is the use of information converted into intelligence as a substitute for time, space, capital, and labor as well as materials (e.g. substituting plastic for steel in car construction); and second: the role that social production or Collective Intelligence can play in being a substitute for hard and soft power–for example, Thomas Jefferson's observation that a  Nation's best defense was an educated (armed) citizenry.