Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Arpan R. Patel

Alpha M-P, Commercial Intelligence
Arpan R. Patel
Arpan R. Patel

Arpan Patel is Director of Somat Engineering, Inc’s Information Engineering practice in Washington, DC.  Mr. Patel has over 17 years of technology, financial advisory and operations experience.

He began his career as an investment banker at leading firms including Lehman Brothers, Lazard Frères, Wasserstein Perella and Credit Suisse First Boston, advising leading corporations and financial buyers on complex financings and M&A transactions exceeding $5 billion.

In recent years, he has gained significant operational experience and insight as a technology and financial services entrepreneur.  He previously cofounded eFrontiers, a pioneering online asset management platform for institutional investors, and Plans365, a recognized developer of online personal finance and collaboration solutions.

Mr. Patel holds a BA in economics from The Johns Hopkins University and an MBA from The University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business.

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert Young Pelton

Alpha M-P
Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton


Robert Young Pelton

Mr. Robert Young Pelton is perhaps the greatest journalist-adverturer on the planet.  This is a man that gets kidnapped by accident, is recognized by the leader of the kidnappers, and is promptly released with apologies and an honor guard.  His book World’s Most Dangerous Places and his TV series Come Back Alive are among the most extraordinary “ground truth” offerings available to the public and admired by the spies.  In his every waking moment, in his every action, in his every report, he embodies the true spirit of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Howard Rheingold

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold

Howard Rheingold may well have been the first pioneer to fall down into the chasm of cyberspace and the write about it.  As Editor of the Whole Earth Review, following in the footsteps of founder Stewart Brand, he has consistently been on the bleeding edge of both righteous living for a Whole Earth, and the bleeding edge of technology and the human mind.  Below are links to his books, the first of which, Tools for Thinking, catalyzed deep soul-searching within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which at the time (1986) had nothing to offer such as Howard envisioned.  He was, with John Perry Barlow, one of the two speakers at OSS '92 who challenged virtually every aspect of the secret intelligence paradigm.

A slice of life in my virtual community

Rheingold at OSS '92

The Book
The Book

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Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Sara Nora Ross

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence
Sara Nora Ross
Sara Nora Ross

Sara Ross, Ph.D., holds an interdisciplinary doctorate in Psychology and Political Development. She specializes in investigating and applying knowledge of universal patterns to analyze and address real-world problems in all their detailed complexity. She is the founder of ARINA (www.global-arina.org), which is both the home of TIP and the publisher of Integral Review: A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal for New Thought, Research, and Praxis (http://integral-review.org).

Meta-intelligence for analysis, decisions, policy, and action:

The Integral Process for working on complex issues

The Book
The Book

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jim Rough

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence
Jim Rough
Jim Rough

Jim Rough is a seminar leader, speaker, consultant, and social innovator (www.DynamicFacilitation.com). He is co-founder of the Center for Wise Democracy (www.WiseDemocracy.org) and author of Society’s Breakthrough: Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People (www.SocietysBreakthrough.com).

Below is an illustration from the first page of his historic contribution, it also leads to the chapter; and the cover of his book, Society's Breakthrough: Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People leading to the Amazon Page.  Jim Rough epitomizes the very best of the American pioneer spirit of common sense and good intention.  He is, along with Tom Atlee and others in the Collective Intelligence movement, a center of gravity for restoring America.

The Circle Organization:

Structuring for collective wisdom

The Book
The Book
From Pyramid to Circle
From Pyramid to Circle

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

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Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Arno Reuser

Alpha Q-U
Arno Reuser
Arno Reuser


Arno “The Curious” Reuser

Mr. Arno Reuser, Arno the Curious, is a Master Librarian who has done more for the practice of Open Source Inteligence (OSINT) in support of national security than anyone else in Europe.  He has been a pioneer in the explotiation of badly-delivered OSINT from private sector vendors, writing original PERL programs to make sense of their feeds; he has known how to make the most of the Internet; and above all, he has known how to find and engage human intellects around the world, each capable of producing unique tailored knowledge not available online or in print.  He is the Master Librarian of the OSINT world and all seven intelligence tribes.