Mongoose: Soros and Rothschilds Beware, You Are Next — Chinese Billionaire Abducted From Hong Kong Hotel, Taken to Mainland China

Cultural Intelligence

Chinese Billionaire Abducted From Hong Kong Hotel, Taken to Mainland China

A Chinese billionaire with Canadian citizenship has been seized from his apartment at the Four Seasons hotel in Hong Kong and taken to mainland China, a source familiar with the situation told CNN Wednesday.

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Who’s Who in Cultural & Peace Intelligence: Andrew Garfield

Alpha E-H, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield, a U.S citizen since 2010, served in the British military and then as a senior civilian intelligence officer, finishing his U.K. government service as a policy advisor in the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD).  His specializations included Counter Terrorism (CT), Counter Insurgency Operations (COIN) and Information Operations (IO).

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Robert Steele: Peace Intelligence Biography, Graphics, & Selected Works

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele


Robert David Steele is a champion for Peace Intelligence who has sought since 1988 to redirect the craft of intelligence (decision-support) away from spies and secrecy enabling war and waste, toward open sources and methods favorable to peace and prosperity.

Most recently he has lectured in Denmark and Norway on the need for creating a Nordic Peace Intelligence Centre and network for multinational information-sharing and sense-making that relies primarily but not exclusively on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), the modern domain of which he is the undisputed pioneer. He is the author of all of the major OSINT Handbooks (US Defense Intelligence Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, US Special Operations Forces) and believes the time has come for the Nordics to update and advance the craft of intelligence so as to address the illegal immigrants and other emerging threats that he first forecast from 1989 onwards.

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Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Robert James Beckett

Alpha A-D, Collective Intelligence
Robert James Beckett
Robert James Beckett

My research and project work focus on the value of scientifically validated communications for business and society, particularly addressing serious issues underlying the debate over global sustainability and centering the innovative new discipline of communication ethics, ‘a philosophy for the information age. Recently, I produced an innovative online text, Citizen Science, employing a digital logic I developed in 2001. This text is supported by online learning tools to deliver digital self-education programmes for world citizens in order to move themselves towards an updated and sustainable social contract grounded in science.

As a founding member of the Institute of Communication Ethics (2001-2008), I undertook the role of coordinating its positioning as a world-leading academic network and centre for a new social science discipline. The group of leading professors and media academics behind the Institute recognised the important multidisciplinary implications of this relatively recent field of human inquiry and have since updated the agenda for communication studies within and between hundreds of University departments.

My Ph.D. research at Radboud University (NED) was completed in 2013. It reported a study of dialogue methods employed by seventy-three multinational corporations and the research concluded with an evaluation of dialogue and participation as the underpinning practice required by democratic systems. The findings resulted in a number of important innovations, forming a coherent programme subsequently channelled into education initiatives such as the UN ‘Education for Sustainable Development' programme.

See Also:

Robert James Beckett @ Phi Beta Iota

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Beth Simone Noveck

Alpha M-P, Collective Intelligence
Beth Simone Noveck
Beth Simone Noveck

Beth Simone Noveck directs The Governance Lab and its MacArthur Research Network on Opening Governance. GovLab designs and tests technology, policy and strategies for fostering more open and collaborative approaches to strengthen the ability of people and institutions to work together to solve problems, make decisions, resolve conflict and govern themselves more effectively and legitimately.

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Ross Dawson: 143 Top Female Futurists

Futures Intelligence
Ross Dawson
Ross Dawson

The following list, compiled with the help of my team member Vanessa Cartwright, provides a brief profile of 143 [up from 78 in the original list] fabulous female futurists. It is tricky defining a futurist, so while we have largely selected those who describe themselves as working in this space, we have also included others whose work is largely that of exploring the future. We have limited this list to those who have a significant profile and impact, but I’m sure we have missed some who should be included.

List of the world’s top female futurists (Updated)

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Who’s Who in Futures Intelligence: Ross Dawson

Futures Intelligence
Ross Dawson
Ross Dawson

Ross Dawson is globally recognized as a leading futurist, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, strategy advisor, and bestselling author.

He is Founding Chairman of the Advanced Human Technologies group of companies, which includes international consulting and ventures firm Advanced Human Technologies, futures think-tank Future Exploration Network, leading events company The Insight Exchange, and three more companies being developed in stealth mode.