Worth a Look: The Truth-Seeker’s Handbook – A Science-Based Guide

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Why do so many people prefer comfortable lies over inconvenient truths? After all, holding such false beliefs can cause bad decisions with tragic consequences for one’s personal life, relationships, careers, and our society as a whole. Recent research provides the answer: the human mind make mistakes in predictable and systematic ways. These mental errors – called cognitive biases by scholars – cause people to form misconceptions about the world and thus make poor decisions that may lead to catastrophe. Fortunately, cognitive and behavioral scientists have recently uncovered many useful strategies for overcoming these mental flaws. This book relates those strategies in a clear, straightforward and engaging manner. It uses everyday life examples to show you how to train yourself and guide others in avoiding these mental flaws, preventing disasters and facilitating success and happiness for yourself and those you care about.

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Worth a Look I: Going Somewhere – Truth About A Life in Science

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Going Somewhere is a dynamic autobiographical narrative about Andrew Marino's career in science. With a depth and drama that arise from personal involvement, the book explores an exceptionally wide range of science-related matters: the relation between electrical energy and life; the influence of corporate and military power on science; the role of self-interest on the part of federal and state agencies that deal with human health, especially the NIH and the FDA; the importance of cross-examining scientific experts in legal hearings; the erroneous view of nature that results when the perspective of physics is extended into biology; the pivotal role of deterministic chaos theory in at least some cognitive processes.

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Worth a Look: Technically Wrong

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A revealing look at how tech industry bias and blind spots get baked into digital products―and harm us all.

Buying groceries, tracking our health, finding a date: whatever we want to do, odds are that we can now do it online. But few of us ask why all these digital products are designed the way they are. It’s time we change that. Many of the services we rely on are full of oversights, biases, and downright ethical nightmares: Chatbots that harass women. Signup forms that fail anyone who’s not straight. Social media sites that send peppy messages about dead relatives. Algorithms that put more black people behind bars.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher takes an unflinching look at the values, processes, and assumptions that lead to these and other problems. Technically Wrong demystifies the tech industry, leaving those of us on the other side of the screen better prepared to make informed choices about the services we use―and demand more from the companies behind them.

Worth a Look: The Real Game Of Politics, Help President Trump Make America Great Again

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This book is for conservatives who are tired of being lied to by fake Republicans who run as “Campaign Conservatives” (in the words of Texas Senator Ted Cruz) and who want to do something to “change” these fake Republicans by taking them out of their current office in the upcoming 2018 primary elections and beyond. The only conservatives that matter are those we conservatives succeed in electing to office, and this book will teach you how to get into the fray to make that happen. It happens, simply put, when the best conservative in the all-important, traditionally-very-low-turnout primary elections, gets more votes than the other Republican primary election candidates.

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Worth a Look: Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Zionists

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An accurate accounting of the history of Blacks and Jews from the Columbian era to the Civil War, including the extensive record of Jewish slave trading in the western hemisphere. 334 pages – 1,275 footnotes – More than 3,000 sources – Jewish journals, encyclopedias, newspapers & other publications – Jewish scholars & rabbis – Court records – Shipping records – Jewish wills – Runaway slave notices – Auction notices – Published sermons – Census data – Slave bills of sale – Tax records Full Index – Bibliography.

2 more books, highlights, and FAQ below the fold.

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Amazon Kindle: Pedophila & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State (Trump Revolution Book 13)

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Pedophilia – including the murder of children, the drinking of their adrenalized blood, and the harvesting of their bodies for body parts and bone marrow – is both the glue that helps the elite control the Deep State, and the Achilles’ heel of the Deep State. I salute President Putin for his commitment to eradicating this crime against humanity rooted in the United Kingdom and the United State of America as well as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and I pray that Donald Trump realizes – as Kennedy and Khrushchev realized – that the only person he can trust on this matter is his counterpart national leaders, not the pedophiles, traitors, and miscreants surrounding him.

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Review: A Benevolent Dictator – Restoring America to Primacy and Prosperity in One Year

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Marlin Thompson

Worth a Look — Ideas for Trump Against the Deep State

The premise of this book is that a dictator is the most efficient and effective form of government, if you get a good one. Examples are King David in Israel in the Old Testament and General Douglas McArthur in post-war Japan. While I do not agree with this premise, the author does outline what a successful Trump Presidency might look like, assuming an honest Congress living up to its Constitutional responsibilities, so I definitely recommend the book.

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