Worth a Look: Makers – The New Industrial Evolution

Manufacturing, Worth A Look
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Wired magazine editor and bestselling author Chris Anderson takes you to the front lines of a new industrial revolution as today’s entrepreneurs, using open source design and 3-D printing, bring manufacturing to the desktop.  In an age of custom-fabricated, do-it-yourself product design and creation, the collective potential of a million garage tinkerers and enthusiasts is about to be unleashed, driving a resurgence of American manufacturing.  A generation of “Makers” using the Web’s innovation model will help drive the next big wave in the global economy, as the new technologies of digital design and rapid prototyping gives everyone the power to invent — creating “the long tail of things”.

Worth a Look: Democracy Collaborative

Worth A Look


The Democracy Collaborative is a national leader in equitable, inclusive and sustainable development through our Community Wealth Building Initiative. This initiative sustains a wide range of Advisory, Research and Field Building activities designed to transform the practice of community/economic development in the United States. Another important program is the Next System Project, ongoing intellectual work designed to connect Community Wealth Building to the larger context of systemic economic transformation.

Worth a Look: Hoping Against Hope – Confessions of a Postmodern Pilgrim (John D. Caputo)

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John D. Caputo has a long career as one of the preeminent postmodern philosophers in America. The author of such books as Radical Hermeneutics, The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida, and The Weakness of God, Caputo now reflects on his spiritual journey from a Catholic altar boy in 1950s Philadelphia to a philosopher after the death of God. Part spiritual autobiography, part homily on what he calls the “nihilism of grace,” Hoping Against Hope calls believers and nonbelievers alike to participate in the “praxis of the kingdom of God,” which Caputo says we must pursue “without why.”

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Worth a Look: It’s Time Network

Worth A Look

logo its timeIt's Time Network is building a framework to support an inclusive and creative community of visionary leaders and change agents who are coalescing a long-term, broad-based civic engagement movement to evolve democracy, to heal and regenerate the Earth’s biosphere and to build local, bioregional, national and global economies that care for the Earth and for all people, that share prosperity and that conserve resources.


Worth a Look: Convergence – Center for Policy Resolution

Worth A Look

Convergence was founded in 2009 to offer an alternative solution for addressing urgent social and policy issues that were bogged down in disagreement and discord. Drawing from decades of experience solving difficult policy issues, Convergence was formed to use dialogue and collaboration to generate breakthrough solutions to important yet intractable problems. And it is working. Convergence is now at a turning point. With our proven process generating workable solutions to four challenging issues, we want to do more. By 2020, our plan calls for:

  • 10 projects of national consequence completed or under way
  • Implementation of key action programs identified by our project teams
  • R&D into new areas of focus
  • Development of a turnkey toolkit for organizations looking to adopt a culture of collaborative problem solving.

Learn more.

Worth a Look: Rights at Risk

Worth A Look
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An enlightening, intensely researched examination of violations of the constitutional principles that preserve individual rights and civil liberties from courtrooms to classrooms.

With telling anecdote and detail, Pulitzer Prize–winner David K. Shipler explores the territory where the Constitution meets everyday America, where legal compromises—before and since 9/11—have undermined the criminal justice system’s fairness, enhanced the executive branch’s power over citizens and immigrants, and impaired some of the freewheeling debate and protest essential in a constitutional democracy. Read more.