Mongoose: The War Against Putin – What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia UPDATE to Add Brzezinski & Grand Chessboard Focus on Ukraine

IO Deeds of War, Worth A Look

Re the elective war over Ukraine, there is an incredible book out: The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia, which I nominate as the book of the century (yes!) in so far as it has the power to wake up the masses and thus prevent any attempt by the Internationalist Cabal to facilitate world war III.

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Herbert Calhoun: Top Non-Fiction Reviewer

Worth A Look
Herbert Calhoun
Herbert Calhoun

Retired Foreign Service Officer and past Manager of Political and Military Affairs at the US Department of State. For a brief time an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Denver and the University of Washington at Seattle. A graduate of the National War College and a Phd from the University of Southern California.

ROBERT STEELE: I have had the honor of meeting Dr. Calhoun, and consider him one of the most eclectic brilliant people it has ever been my pleasure and privilege to know. He is vastly more diverse in his interests, and also very critical — I tend not to publish reviews of items I consider less than 4 or 5 stars. Any amount of time with Dr. Calhoun's reviews will be time well spent. Below I have selected a representative handful of reviews that I particularly admire but I cannot do him justice here. Please spend time at his Amazon directory page.

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Worth a Look: Dynamics of Crowd-Minds

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A crowd-mind emerges when formation of a crowd causes fusion of individual minds into one collective mind. Members of the crowd lose their individuality. The deindividuation leads to derationalization: emotional, impulsive and irrational behavior, self-catalytic activities, memory impairment, perceptual distortion, hyper-responsiveness, and distortion of traditional forms and structures. This book presents unique results of computational studies on cognitive and affective space-time processes in large-scale collectives of abstract agents being far from mental equilibrium. Computational experiments demonstrate that the irrational and nonsensical behavior of individual entities of crowd-mind results in complex, rich and non-trivial spatio-temporal dynamics of the agent collectives. Mathematical methods employ theory and techniques of cellular-automata and lattice swarms, applied algebra, theory of finite automata and Markov chains, and elementary differential equations.

Worth a Look: Binding Chaos – Mass Collaboration on a Global Scale

Worth A Look
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Amazon Page

The world is long overdue for a completely new system of governance. If there was ever a need for political representation or a paternalistic and opaque authority, it has been removed by technology. Every political system we have tried has proven incapable of protecting human rights and dignity. Every political system we have tried has devolved into oligarchy. To effect the change we require immediately, to give individuals control and responsibility, to bring regional systems under regional governance, allow global collaboration and protect the heritage of future generations, we need a new political model.

Worth a Look: Fair Coop (Earth Cooperative for a Fair Economy) Includes FairCoin

Worth A Look is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible, and at the same time gradually contribute to a new global wealth, accessible to all humankind as commons. understands that the transformation to a fairer monetary system is a key element. Therefore, Faircoin was proposed as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions and building of a new global economic system.

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