Worth a Look: “Liberation Technology”

Worth A Look

Program on Liberation Technology (Stanford University, California)

Liberation Technology Newsletter (Winter 2010, Stanford University, California)

Liberation Technology International Research (Stanford University, California)

Seminar on Technology for Developing Regions (Stanford University, California)

Designing Liberation Technologies (Stanford University, California)

Technology of Liberation?  Activists Get Their Own Smartphone (Huffington Post)

Liberation Technology and Digital Activism (Meta-Activism Project)

Is Social Media a disease or a liberation technology? (ISISASTER 2.0)

Liberation Overreach in Iran (Democracy Digest)

Liberation Technology?  Forget About It (Blog Posting)

Liberation Technology (Under Construction)

Technology Liberation Front

Worth a Look: IBM’s People for a Smarter Planet

Worth A Look
Home Page (Facebook)

People for a Smarter Planet offers a dynamic and intelligent network of activities, conversations and discussions you can participate in to help build a sustainable and smarter world. Or, if you just want to hang around and listen, that's okay too.

Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine if they had a Strategic Analytic Model and could offer up a zip-code based web platform for enabling transparency and connecting the dots across the ten threats and twelve policies, one dollar at a time.  Or a World Brain & Global Game…

See Also:

Huffington Post Smarter Ideas… (Sponsored by IBM)

Worth a Look: Geospatial Revolution Project Episode 1 = Absolutely Awesome

Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Story and Podcast

We are excited to announce that the first episode of the Geospatial Revolution Project is now available. And, all we can say is that it is absolutely awesome. Geospatial technologies are truly revolutionary, and this episode reminds us that what we do as GIS/GEOINT professionals has (and will continue to) changed the world. In case you are not familiar with the Geospatial Revolution Project it is an integrated public media and outreach initiative about the world of digital mapping and how it is changing the way we think, behave, and interact created by Penn State Public Broadcasting. Check out our exclusive podcast with Stephanie Ayanian, senior producer, who shares her insights about this special project. And, of course, we are featuring Episode 1 in this post. Be sure to check it out!

Tip of the Hat to Matt Langan at LinkedIn.

Worth a Look: Future of Business is Information Sharing

Blog Wisdom, Worth A Look

Home Page

The Mesh is here (don't miss it)

My friend Lisa Gansky has a new book out today. You can read a bit about it here.

I hope you'll buy a copy right now. It's that important and that valuable.

Amazon Page

Gansky has written the most insightful book about new economy business models since The Long Tail, and if you're not facile in understanding and working with the key concept behind this book, it's going to cost you time and trouble.

In short, the Mesh outlines how sharing resources and information creates an entirely new class of commerce. When you travel to another city, you don't buy a house. You stay in a hotel. A hotel, because it allows hundreds of people a year to share a single room, is a mesh business.

The thing is, the web has created thousands (probably more) of these businesses in areas you have never thought about. Zipcar, sure, and Netflix. But in all sorts of nooks and crannies as well. Lisa's online directory already lists thousands of these companies. Existing companies need to know about this, job seekers should be attracted to it, and for entrepreneurs, it really is a new frontier.

Go, hurry, the race is on. $16 well spent.

See Also:

2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

Worth a Look: Seth Godin’s Blog

Blog Wisdom, Worth A Look
Home Page

The forever recession

There are two recessions going on.

One is gradually ending. This is the cyclical recession, we have them all the time, they come and they go. Not fun, but not permanent.

The other one, I fear, is here forever. This is the recession of the industrial age, the receding wave of bounty that workers and businesses got as a result of rising productivity but imperfect market communication.

. . . . . .

The networked revolution is creating huge profits, significant opportunities and a lot of change. What it's not doing is providing millions of brain-dead, corner office, follow-the-manual middle class jobs. And it's not going to.

Fast, smart and flexible are embraced by the network. Linchpin behavior. People and companies we can't live without (because if I can live without you, I'm sure going to try if the alternative is to save money).

The sad irony is that everything we do to prop up the last economy (more obedience, more compliance, cheaper yet average) gets in the way of profiting from this one.

Worth a Look: Free Online Map Design Tool

Worth A Look
Home Page for Mapshark

CloverPoint has developed Mapshark, a comprehensive application for ESRI ArcGIS users to create dynamic, customizable maps on the web. Mapshark simplifies the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering online maps. It has been formulated so that users with limited graphic and web design abilities can create informative and aesthetically pleasing online maps.

Tip of the Hat to Karl Swannie at LinkedIn.

Worth a Look: The Movie Behind the Coffee Party

Worth A Look
Movie Review

9500 Liberty

A look at demagogues’ fearful power: ‘9500 Liberty’ tells how bias burned county

“9500 Liberty,’’ a documentary about the recent bitter struggle over illegal immigration in Virginia’s Prince William County could be studied in film classes as a model of advocacy journalism. Filmmakers Annabel Park and Eric Byler are obviously on one side of the debate, but they give the other side its say, try to understand where these people are coming from, and watch as their opponents hang themselves with their own ropes. When Park and Byler briefly become part of the story — they posted sections of the film-in-progress on YouTube — they acknowledge as much and move on.

Best of all, they recognize and show us the bigger drama unfolding here. “9500 Liberty’’ is not just about the clash of immigrant Hispanics and white nativists, but about what happens when a community’s civic machinery is hijacked by ideologues and extremists — and what exactly it takes for the silent center to push back.

The film additionally makes very clear how few people you need to start a mob. In Prince William County in 2007, it took two: a rabble-rousing right-wing blogger named Greg Letiecq and Corey Stewart, the grandstanding chairman of the Board of County Supervisors.

Full Story Online

Film Synopsis, Trailer, & Blurbs

Screenings & House Parties (Free Advance Copy)