Secrecy News Extract: Operation Dark Heart Aftermath


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The Pentagon's heavy-handed attempt to censor the new Afghanistan war memoir “Operation Dark Heart” by Anthony Shaffer has predictably turned a volume of narrow, specialized interest into a mainstream bestseller.

It has also focused attention on just what information the government was seeking to conceal, and why.  For a review of the material that was blacked out in the second edition of the book, see “Censored book masks sensitive operations” by Sean D. Naylor, Army Times, October 4.  A side-by-side view of the book's Index, in censored and uncensored formats, is here (pdf).

Other Secrecy News Headlines

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The Helium-3 Shortage, and More from CRS

Event: 4-6 Oct 2010, SanFran CA, Social Capital 2010 (SOCAP10)

event site

Now in its third year, SOCAP 10 is the largest interdisciplinary gathering of individuals and institutions at the intersection of money and meaning.  Impact Investors, social entrepreneurs, funders, and other innovators come to SOCAP to build a movement.  SOCAP 10 will seek to answer the question ‘What’s Next?’ for the social capital markets. Participants can dive into one of seven tracks to see where the money is moving, how deals are getting done and who is pushing boundaries across the landscape.

Thanks to those who update the inSTEDD Twitter feed.

Event: 4 Oct 2010, San Franciso CA, Crowd Conference


The World's First Conference on the Future of Distributed Work

researchers, CEOs, technologists, outsourcing experts, legal scholars, and artists to discuss the rapidly democratizing and flattening of the global labor market.

The event includes a series of peer-reviewed presentation tracks, posters, technology demonstrations as well as invited keynote addresses from leaders in crowdsourcing.

The Future of Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is the act of engaging distributed groups of people to complete micro-tasks or generate information. It represents an expanding sphere of innovation, organization, data collection, and creativity.

Crowdsourcing raises complex questions about the future of work; the technical and organizational infrastructure used to complete large-scale tasks; and the relationships between computers, people, and the networks that connect us.


  • Past, present, and future of crowdsourcing
  • Quality assurance and metrics
  • Social and economic implications of crowdsourcing
  • Task design/Worker incentives
  • Innovative projects, experiments, and applications

Event: 24-26 April Denver Seventh Generation (Environmental) Thinking–Learning from the Past, Planning for the Future

Conference Home Page

8 October New Deadline for Submission


Submit your abstract to be considered by the 2011 conference committee for a speaking slot. Abstracts are due September 30, 2010. **DEADLINE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 8TH** Use this submittal link.


Please join us in Denver for NAEP’s  Energy Symposium 2011 on April 26.   A wide variety of nationally known speakers will brief us on challenges and tools for success.  Topics include: Transmission and its role in energy siting; Renewables and their challenges;  Federal funded financing programs and NEPA, New players and resources; Brownfields and disturbed lands energy siting strategies;  Community Outreach;  Issues specific to Federal Lands and more!

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Multinational Intelligence Center in Northern Africa


Sahelian Africa: The intelligence chiefs of Algeria, Mauritania, Niger and Mali will set up a joint intelligence center in Algiers, Algeria's El Watan newspaper reported on 28 September. The center's purpose is to collect information on terrorism in the region and make the data available to the Sahel's military operational center based in Tamanrasset. The Tamanrasset center is composed of senior military field officers, while the Algiers center is made up of intelligence officers.

NIGHTWATCH Comment: The evolution of counter-al Qaida efforts in Sahelian Africa is moving reasonably quickly. The French deserve credit for pooling assets including their own, but the African governments deserve credit as Islamic states for resisting al Qaida. The French might have lessons for others.


Phi Beta Iota: Eventually one region, perhaps Africa, perhaps South America, is going to recognize the regional value of a regional multinational intelligence center that covers all ten high-level threats to humanity and helps harmonize investments–and eradicate corruption and predatory incursions–across all twelve policies.  Not only is everything connected (arms smuggling, human trafficking, blood diamonds, incoming mercenaries), but no one country can get a grip on it all–multinational sharing and sense-making is the ONLY option with total integrity.

See Also:

EVENTS: The Week Ahead


Event: 27 Sep Brookings, Lunch with MajGen Robert Scales, USA (Ret), PhD

Event: 29 Sep Afternoon AFCEA Auditorium NVa Nightwatch Concepts of Analysis

Event: 1 Oct DC Why Design Now (Free)

Event: 1-2 Oct 2010, NYC, Open Video Conference

Phi Beta Iota: We are a huge fan of NIGHTWATCH and recommend that those who can, take time off and pay out of pocket (should be a deductible educational expense, keep the receipt).  The Why Design Now event is a mind-tickler.  Our view is that 21st Century intelligence is about harmonizing views (we ignore), costs (we do not comprehend), and alternatives (we do not visualize), so as to create a prosperous world at peace.  21st Century intelligence is about design.